In Wahls Warriors

Tracy’s Healing Story (2:36)

  • Reversing Scleroderma, Polymyositis and Secondary Raynaud’s.
  • Her symptoms included cold/white/numb fingers, muscle weakness body-wide, difficulty with stairs, repetitive falls, and difficulty swallowing. Her immune system was attacking her muscles, organs, connective tissue and skin body-wide.
  • It took her 5 years to get an accurate diagnosis. Her primary doctor told her to stop researching her symptoms on the internet and to trust him that nothing was wrong. She finally went to the Medical College of Wisconsin, and they diagnosed her very quickly.
  • Medication helped her symptoms, but after a while, she started researching alternatives, with the goal of reducing or eliminating her medication. She found Terry Wahls’ Ted Talk and the Phoenix Helix blog, and changed her diet in January 2014.
  • Now, she has energy and strength again. She’s golfing in tournaments, is a very active grandmother, works full-time, and swallows without difficulty. She’s not 100% better, but life is full and fun again.
  • At diagnosis, Tracy’s CPK enzymes were elevated to 5800. Normal is below 180. She was put on prednisone, methotrexate and CellCept, and that number dropped down into the one thousand range but it plateaued there. When she started the paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP), her numbers dropped into the normal range. She is now medication-free.

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