The Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner Certification

Attract Ideal Clients And Empower Your Patients With A Proven Autoimmune Intervention

Learn the researched-backed behavior change model that will transform your patients and elevate your practice.

Transform your practice, enroll now.

Enroll Now

A structured approach to help your patients transform their health


Connecting you with patients as the go-to Wahls Protocol® expert


Ongoing education and support to give you a competitive advantage

Introducing A Practitioner Support Program From The World-Renowned Autoimmune Expert, Dr. Terry Wahls

The Wahls Protocol®, created by Dr. Wahls, is an autoimmune protocol that has transformed thousands of lives across the globe and has changed the direction of dietary and health behavior research for neurological and autoimmune conditions, including multiple sclerosis.

Dr. Terry Wahls — doctor, researcher, and sufferer of MS — teaches you how to use a robust, multi-modal approach to transform health behaviors in the autoimmune patient.

You’ll attract ideal clients and empower your patients with a proven autoimmune intervention.

There Is A Growing Need For A New Approach To Patient Care

The truth is — only a few patients ever start making health behavior changes, and even fewer sustain them.

In conventional medicine, 75% of patients take the recommended prescription only 80% of the time.

Dietary and health behaviors are far harder to implement than taking prescription drugs.

WHO adherence studies report that < 29% of patients begin to implement the recommended diet or health behaviors — that is if healthcare providers even make these recommendations.

Does This Sound Like You?

You’ve embraced an integrative approach to patient care but you can’t seem to keep your patients from giving up.

You wish you could reverse mis-match diseases without having your patients spending thousands of dollars on testing.

You are frustrated that you were only taught how to order expensive out-of-pocket tests and high-cost supplements in order to get your patients well

You feel like your practice model is not working for your patients anymore, and you know there are better ways to serve them — you just don’t know how.

You are here because you are looking for the right information that will benefit both your patients and your practice.

Become A Better Healthcare Provider.

We have been trained to think that chasing certifications and adding credentials is the only way to become a better practitioner and attract more patients and clients.

Many practitioners burn out because they are trying to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of health and wellness research. You don’t want to fall behind on learning the new science that could bring new healing opportunities to your patients in your practice.

Dr. Wahls is already doing this work and is ready to share what she is learning with you! As an active researcher and lecturer, she is constantly reviewing and presenting on the latest advancements and innovations in the world of health and wellness.

Meet Your Guide: Dr. Terry Wahls And Her Unique, Expert Approach To Working With The Autoimmune Patient

You may recognize Dr. Terry Wahls as the author and creator of The Wahls Protocol®, which has been translated into 14 languages.

Dr. Wahls is a Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine – General Internal Medicine, and secondary appointments in Neurology College of Medicine and Epidemiology College of Public Health at the University of Iowa.

No other author in the health and wellness space conducts clinical research, publishes in peer-reviewed scientific journals, or is building the scientific research that will change the standard of care on autoimmune, chronic diseased, and neurological patients.

Dr. Wahls' remarkable recovery and the insights gleaned from her own healing journey got the attention of her colleagues and the VA hospital system where she was working at the time.

She easily convinced her colleagues to allow her to implement her behavior change tools in a Therapeutic Lifestyle Clinic setting.

She had stunning success despite these limitations:

  • Limited to 2, 20-minute appointments with patients annually
  • Limited testing and lab work
  • Limited access to supplements

The most powerful tool that improved patient outcomes was training patients to change their health behaviors.

Many of her patients were on fixed incomes and living on food stamps and experienced amazing transformations without high-cost testing and supplements.

She has experience implementing these concepts into conventional hospital and clinical settings.

Her systematic process became The Wahls Behavior Change™ Model.

With the approach outlined in the Wahls Behavior Change™ Model, her teams have been significantly more successful in the therapeutic lifestyle clinic at the VA and in her clinical trials at the University of Iowa.

What Makes The Wahls Behavior Change Model Different?

The traditional behavior change model we have been taught isn’t working.

The Wahls Behavior Change™ Model is a 15-step process that practitioners can use to support their patients successfully adopt therapeutic diet and lifestyle choices. The Wahls Behavior Change™ Model is based on Dr. Wahls clinical research, science of behavior change, addiction medicine and her experience with the veteran patients in the Therapeutic Lifestyle Clinic. Practitioners who utilize the Wahls Behavior Change™ Model have another effective tool to empower their patients and staff to improve clinical outcomes and more satisfying clinical practices.

The Only Comprehensive Education That Teaches You How To Work With Autoimmune And Chronically Diseased Patients

The Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner Certification is different from other expensive and time-consuming programs —

With so many great continuing education programs available to health professionals, you want to be sure you are committing to an investment that will help amplify your business and career.

The table below compares some of the leading programs with the Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner Certification.

The Wahls Protocol® Acadeny
The Wahls Protocol Certification Program
The Wahls Advantage:

The Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner Certification is an all-inclusive course and membership that offers you valuable advantages that other provider programs are missing:

  • Includes evolutionary biology
  • How to manage mismatched diseases
  • Health behavior change
  • Functional medicine
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Clinical interventions that can be implemented within conventional health care systems or functional medicine practices
  • Monthly Q&A calls with Dr. Wahls
  • Turn-key tools to use in your practice with patients and clients
  • Generate a new revenue stream with affiliate opportunities
danielle krause

How Has What You Learned Benefited Your Practice?

Danielle Krause, Licensed Health Coach with Vitality Health Coaching and Evolve Well Integrative Medical Centre

“…Also to say how much I am enjoying being a Wahls Practitioner.

I’ve been able to more confidently coach people knowing that The Wahls Protocol® is scientifically proven—such a good tool to have.

I see people now experiencing hope for healing even though their doctors say it’s impossible. I love the FB group and refer clients to it all the time for the extra support but also very much to build hope.

Also, it’s been great to receive a commission for promoting an excellent option for people in the AIM program, as well as having access to the deeply discounted price!

I have one lady who is doing the AIM program and is loving having that as an ongoing, revisit-able resource as she struggles with a brain disease.

She really needs coaching alongside the AIM program to help her succeed so I am appreciative that you’ve thought of a way for us to be able to offer our program plus the AIM program to clients affordably.

Thanks again!”

Who Should Become A Certified Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner?

You will be joining a community of...

  • Licensed Health Professionals
  • Physical Therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Health Related Certificate Holders
  • Exercise Professionals
  • Physicians
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Nurses
  • Health Coaches
  • Movement Professionals
  • Chiropractors
  • Social Workers
  • Dietitians
  • Nutrition Professionals
  • Naturopaths

Established Health Practitioners

If you have an existing clientele and want to enhance the value you deliver by adding The Wahls Protocol® methodology and diet parameters to your existing services.


New Health Practitioners

You are just starting out and you want to bring the best resources, insights and knowledge to your work with clients and understand the importance of aligning yourself with a methodology and institution that is respected around the world.

heart in hands

Health Coaches

If your coaching clients are looking for the latest health solutions, anti-aging strategies and a sound science-based approach to creating health and vitality, your certification in the Wahls methodology will enable you to attract and serve a highly aware and educated clientele.

Now offering special rates for current Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) and A4M practitioners.

Download the course curriculum guide to learn more.

What You Get With Certification

Certified Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioners receive the following as a certification program participant.

  • Your profile on the Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner Directory
  • Exclusive access to the Wahls Practitioner Resource Center
  • Promote your services to Dr. Wahls' engaging, online audience
  • Ongoing research-backed learning opportunities
  • Access to Wahls Protocol® practitioner-only community
The Wahls Protocol® Acadeny

How You And Your Practice Will Benefit:

  • Through our online academy, you will have access to Dr. Wahls’ highly acclaimed curriculum
  • A research-backed deep dive into functional medicine principles that address the root cause of poor health
  • Strategies to help patients/clients create resilience, find internal motivation, face food addictions and start creating new health behaviors
  • The latest science in neuro-protection to maintain brain reserve and cognitive reserve, reducing dementia risk and APOE4 risk mitigation in patients/clients
  • Use ancestral health principles to examine our current health challenges through the context of our ancestral heritage
  • Research backed strategies to slow cellular aging, lengthen lifespan and healthspan in patients/clients
  • The latest findings on the impact of stress, sleep, movement, functional electrical stimulation of muscles and magnets on health and healing
  • In depth case study discussion on the application of The Wahls Protocol®
  • Become less reliant on high-cost testing/ high-cost supplements

Expand Your Practice

  • Gain new patient referrals through your listing on the Wahls Protocol® Directory.
  • Access turn-key resources for using The Wahls Protocol® to attract ideal patients.
  • Learn how to use motivational interviewing to help patients adopt and sustain behavior change.
  • Provide patients with a 5 week experience for embracing the Wahls Protocol® Behavior Change Model.
  • Use our done-for-you marketing tools to help you spread Dr. Wahls’ message throughout your community.
AIM Autoimmune Intervention Mastery
AIM Autoimmune Intervention Mastery

Introducing the Autoimmune Intervention Mastery Program (AIM)

Exclusively for Wahls Protocol® Certified Practitioners…

You will be eligible to refer your patients/clients to the highly-anticipated Autoimmune Intervention Mastery (AIM) program by Dr. Wahls.

This 5-week program is designed to guide end-users (your patients and or clients) through 5 life-changing modules that provide the education and support needed to embrace the Wahls Diet™ and lifestyle shifts.

More Ways You’ll Benefit

  • Leverage peer support.
  • Leverage multidisciplinary teams.
  • Monthly Q&A calls with Dr. Wahls where you get the latest insights from her ongoing research.
  • Amplification of your skills in your scope of practice.
  • Attain the knowledge and expertise for promoting diet and lifestyle behavior shifts.
  • Gain research-based instruction that will lessen the frustration of current clinical practice.
  • Learn how to inspire internal motivation to make changes that ease chronic symptoms.
  • Gain the skills and tools to help patients strengthen personal resilience and vitality to make the lasting change that will transform their health.
  • Join leaders in the integrative/functional health care community.
  • Be part of a massive paradigm shift in health.
smiling patient

How Has What You Learned Benefited Your Practice?

Becca Fichtl, Nutrition Therapist Master (NTM)

“The certification process and my attendance at The Wahls Protocol® Amplify Retreat was life-changing. Through this training and membership in this community, I now more fully grasp how food can aid the body in fighting disease and returning it to wholeness. I am better able to understand and address the needs of my clients by using food to fight the battle, I have in-depth knowledge of both the diet and lifestyle interventions, and I have access to proprietary resources. The monthly Q&A calls with Dr. Wahls and other certified professionals provide an opportunity to learn directly from her and from each other – they are an unparalleled value.”

You’ll Be Part Of A Supportive Community Of Change-Makers:

person holding phoneDr. Terry and teamDr. Terry Wahls

Your Certification Sets You Apart

The Wahls Protocol® Certification program brings you the latest develops in both science and lifestyle solutions your patients are looking for. As awareness of autoimmune and its impact on our health and longevity spread, more people are turning to health professionals with this unique expertise.

The Latest In Scientific Solutions

The Wahls Protocol® Certification program is a science based approach that serves a wide range of patients. From those inflicted with autoimmune disease to those seeking optimum health and ways to reverse the aging process, this is continuing education you can immediately put to work in your practice.

Grow Your Health Practice

We are committed to helping our Certified Health Practitioners use this credential to attract new clients. Whether through our searchable online directory, monthly education calls or live events, you will gain practical, proven strategies for growing your practice and attracting more ideal patients.

Download Course Curriculum Guide

Why Did You Make The Decision To Become A Wahls Certified Health Professional?

Shannon Lea Pickering (Brown), M.S. Psychology


“By the time I was 44, I had been diagnosed with 7 autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus. By 2014 I was disabled, lupus was attacking my heart and lungs and DNA and I was facing a lifetime of chemo and steroids to stop its relentless progress. What I discovered the hard way is that if you don’t take care of your mind and body and soul, your body will shut you down for maintenance. And by 2014, my body was trying to shut me down permanently. Well, I accepted the call to heal and I am happy to say that I am now free of autoimmune disease and living my purpose. I don’t even have autoimmune antibodies, which is truly a miracle. I’m proud to be featured in the newest edition of The Wahls Protocol® as a Wahls Warrior Success! I now coach others on what I have learned about how to change behaviors around diet and lifestyle, overcoming fear, stress management, biohacking, mindfulness, hope restoration and the healing mentality. My passion and purpose is to now help others achieve holistic wellness so that they are free to pursue their passion and their purpose – because the world craves each of our unique contributions. ”

What Industry Leaders Are Saying About The Wahls Protocol® Certification Program


"The program provides an additional layer of expertise and focus to the foundation of functional medicine. Dr. Wahls’ practical approach can be used by any health professional. This is because it is a lifestyle medicine-oriented food-first approach, rather than a program that relies on advanced testing and supplements that may not be accessible to all who want to understand and use the Wahls Protocol® in their practice. Her influence, in particular, in the world of MS means that those with the condition who want an alternative to the pill-for-an-ill approach will seek out providers who share this philosophy and Wahls Protocol® knowledge. Why not be one of them? Come to the annual Wahls Seminar and stay for the extra day so you can be certified, too."
Board Certified, American Academy of Psychiatry and Neurology

Owner, Sharlin Health and Neurology/Functional Medicine
Ozark, Missouri

About Virtual Certification:

How does it work?

Whether you are an MD with a long-standing career, a nurse practitioner looking to expand your knowledge or a health coach wanting to better serve your clients, becoming a Certified Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner will get you where you want to go.

Investment: $2997, payment plan available upon request

  • IFM/A4M practitioners inquire for pricing.
  • Take exam after all modules and live webinar are complete.
  • Submit application and credentials to secure your graduation spot.
  • 100% virtual certification
Enroll Now

Download Course Curriculum Guide


Credentials Are Key...

You are a professional or practitioner in the health and wellness space with up-to-date credentials that allow you to work with patients and clients.


Supplement What You Already Know…

You understand that this program is an adjunct education to your credentialed position — taking this course does not permit you to work with patients without a license or credentialing.


Make It Official…

You understand that before you are considered a graduate of the program, you will have to submit a formal application and show proof of your current licensing or credentials.

Say Yes! To Certification

Enroll Now

Click here to submit your application for just $1 — Use Code VIP At Checkout

After submitting your application, you will be asked to submit your credentials by forwarding a copy of your certification and/or licensing to [email protected].

Once your application is approved, you’ll communicate which track you wish to enroll in, your payment will be processed, and you will receive immediate access to The Wahls Academy and the 18 certification modules if you enroll in the online course.

IFM / A4M Health Practitioners

Email [email protected] to begin the process.

Have questions?

We are here to help! Email the team at [email protected]

Dr. Terry Wahls with book

Dear Health Practitioner

The fact that you’re reading this tells me you are a health professional who is committed to providing the best possible care to your patients and you understand the seriousness of the growing autoimmune epidemic.

We are committed to helping our Certified Health Professionals use this credential to attract new patients and provide the best in quality standard of care. Whether through our searchable online directory, monthly education calls or live events, you will gain practical, proven strategies for growing your practice and better serving your patients.

In short, when you choose to join our international family of Certified Practitioners, you take an important step toward our movement to transform healthcare by making The Wahls Protocol® an important part of patient care throughout the world.

We look forward to welcoming you to our growing family of Certified Practitioners.

To Your Continued Success,

Dr. Terry Wahls