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Practical Tips for Reducing MS Brain Fog and Fatigue

Enjoy this guest post from Wahls Health Practitioner, Alene Brennan from

When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2016, I scrambled to understand my new reality. Two of the most common and challenging symptoms of MS are brain fog and fatigue. Would that prevent me from living the life I wanted to live?

If you’ve been through this journey, you know that not having the energy to play with your kids or the mental clarity to finish a task can be devastating. I was 36 years old at the time and still had a lot of life in me that I wasn’t ready to give up on.

So, there began my mission for practical tips for reducing MS brain fog and fatigue. I wanted something within my control that could help to maintain stable energy and mental focus.

Dietary Changes for MS Brain Fog & Fatigue

The first strategy was starting the Wahls Protocol. By eliminating inflammatory foods like gluten and dairy, and significantly reducing sugar, I noticed a boost in both my energy and mental clarity.

I also found increasing my leafy greens to be helpful. I started with adding a handful of spinach to a smoothie. Then I sautéed spinach as a side for dinner. Both were easy ways and surprisingly tasty.
This made me realize that I had some control over this incurable disease. I wondered, what else was possible?

So, I started to look beyond food.

Lifestyle Changes for MS Brain Fog & Fatigue

These are some of the practical steps I found helpful to reducing MS brain fog and fatigue.

  1. Prioritize Sleep: Our body heals when we sleep. Getting a good night’s rest – ideally 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep – can support more stable energy and mental clarity in the morning. As a Wahls Protocol Health Practitioner, I encourage clients to create a consistent bedtime routine. Practices like dimming the lights, turning off the electronics, or even doing a few yoga stretches before bed can be helpful.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Drinking at least 8 cups of water a day can drastically reduce symptoms. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and mental fog, so keep a bottle with you and sip throughout the day. This is far better than reaching for a caffeinated beverage, which may sound appealing in the moment, but in the long run will only create more extreme energy crashes.
  3. Mindful Breathing: Breathwork has been a lifesaver for me on my most challenging days. Just 3 deep breaths can shift a moment of complete overwhelm to feeling more grounded and present.
  4. Stay Organized: I’ve found that using tools like calendars, to-do lists, and reminder apps help me stay on track. When everything is organized, it reduces the mental load and eases brain fog. When faced with a big task, try breaking it into smaller, more manageable steps. This method reduces overwhelm and increases the chances of you completing it.
  5. Listen to Your Body: Some days are harder than others. It’s crucial to listen to what your body is telling you and take breaks when needed. We all know that “pushing through” the fatigue only creates a further set back. Instead, give yourself permission to rest.

When it comes to managing MS, there’s no one-size-fits-all. What works for me might be different for you. The key is to keep trying different strategies until you find the “right” combination.
If you would like some guidance and accountability in implementing these practices, join my 5 Days to Focus Challenge. You’ll learn how to make these strategies best fit into your life so you can boost energy, focus and productivity with Multiple Sclerosis. Plus, I’ll share my simply system for staying organized throughout your day.

This challenge could be the jumpstart you’ve been seeking for clearer thinking and more productive days.

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