In Wahls Warriors

I have been on a health journey for 6 years and have overcome depression, mood swings, have lost 110 pounds and kept it off, eliminated the pains in all of my joints, eliminated debilitating brain fog and now can run with my grandkids for hours on end without getting exhausted. I eat mostly all raw foods along with Chinese herbs, alkaline water and gynostemma tea, diatomaceous earth, essential oils, algae including spirulina, chlorella, phytoplankton. I make all of my own dressings, eat salads including a great seaweed salad, and feel better at 61 years old than I ever have. My first career was as an executive chef and my second career was in the cleaning and sealing business, which I used very toxic products. I feel I have purged my body of a high percentage of these toxins, and with my green juices and salads, do a good job of constantly eliminating the toxins.

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