Diana Sproul

    Diana Sproul, B.A., Advanced Certificate in Clinical Herbalism

    My name is Diana Sproul, and I am a nutritionist, certified Advanced Herbalist in Clinical Medicine, and health coach. We will talk together, discuss what the problems you are having, and how you would like me to help you. This will be similar to a personal interview.
    I have found the Wahls Protocol® to be very helpful in modifying personal health, no matter what the condition  or “ –itis”is called by Western Medicine. It very simply throws good nutrition at the problem, filling up your “bucket”, and gives the body the tools that it needs to work in the best way– more plentiful vitamins and minerals, more foods to help you detox, more antioxidants to get calm down free radicals.
    I have unique experience of also being an herbalist and a patient with chronic illness, too, so you get real life perspective on how this new way of eating may benefit your life and long term goals.
    I specialize in anything to do with the digestive system (digestion, absorption, allergies, diarrhea, brain health, skin health, toxins) but my wide education and this unique protocol, can help a diverse range of health problems.
    It does take time to change our menu and our habits. I understand the steps to get there. You can always choose what you would like to work on each step of the way. TODAY is the best day to get started!

    I offer many free video and audio podcasts on these channels (below), as well as ebooks on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and free health articles at my own website, www.TransformHealth.Biz.

    [iTunes Podcasts, Bitchute, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Libsyn]


    Clinical Herbalist








    United States




    Autoimmune Disease

    Chronic Disease

    Depression, Anxiety or Bipolar Disorder

    Digestive disorders


    Skin Disorders

    Weight or Metabolism concerns


    Alternative Medicine

    Botanical Medicine

    Functional Nutrition

    Health Coaching

    Traditional Chinese medicine

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