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The idea of aging can be a difficult notion to navigate stringing with it fears of decline and deterioration. But it doesn’t have to feel that way—ongoing research in protecting lifespan has our back!

During this next 2-day seminar, I will share everything I have learned while investigating healthy aging strategies for myself.

Appreciate aging as a unique phase in your life:

predominant among them:

Maintaining the physical body.

Preserving and protecting the brain and mental acuity.

Nuturing stress reducing practices.

Cultivate the confidence to reclaim your life and take control of how you guide your body though each phase of your life!

The Virtual Wahls Protocol® Seminar is your opportunity to learn research-backed health information and practice the health behaviors that will empower you to conquer your autoimmune or chronic disease.

Wahls Protocol® Seminar Series #4: Healthy Aging, November 17-18, 2022

Day 1: November 17, 2022, 8:00 AM—6:00 PM CST

Time Talk Speaker
8:00 AM Enhancing Brain Recovery with Functional Medicine and HYLANE technology Robert Hedaya, MD, DLFAPA, ABPN, IFMCP
9:00 Therapeutics for MS: The Benefits of Optimizing Hormones—The Latest In Young Fresh Frozen Plasma Infusions Dian Ginsberg
10:00 Break
10:15 Insights from American Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine -2021 Terry Wahls
11:15 Advanced Considerations for Brain Health Dr. Ken Sharlin
12:15 PM Break
12:45 Physical Activity for Healthy Aging Babita Bisht
1:45 The Gut-Thyroid Connection, Profound But Under-Appreciated Michael Ruscio
2:45 Break
5 Steps to Successful Meal Planning
Andrea Sprague
4:00 Research Update America’s Committee On Treatment And Research In MS (ACTRIMS) Sept 2022 Terry Wahls
5:00 Break
5:15 Wrap-Up Dr. Wahls & Beth Schultz
5:30 Breakouts

Day 2: November 18, 2022, 8:00 AM—12:00 PM CST

Time Talk Speaker
8:00 AM Stress, Anxiety and the Feel Good Hormones Darryl Edwards
8:45 The Preventative Health Effects of Drinking Kombucha Daily Hannah Crum
9:15 Break
9:30 Top 10 Biohacks For A Better Night’s Sleep + Action Plan + Coaching Exercise Shannon Lea Pickering
10:30 Break
10:45 Dance For Longevity Leslie Nolte
11:15 Wrap-Up Dr. Wahls & Beth Schultz
11:30 Breakouts

Virtually Via ZOOM

Nov. 17: Lectures, 8 AM—6 PM CST
Nov. 18: Hands-On Learning, 8 AM—12 PM CST

Add on Wahls Protocol® Coaching

Feel supported and stay accountable with 4 weeks of post-event group coaching with Wahls Health Practitioner, Beth Schultz.

Meet Tuesdays at 2:30 pm CST over ZOOM
Nov. 22, Nov. 29, Dec. 6, Dec. 13, 2022

Your disease does not have to define your future—

Understanding your unique autoimmune triggers will help you create a personalized healing protocol to transform your health and help you feel good once again.


Wahls Diet - Becoming Well


Dr. Terry Wahls is living proof that a diet and lifestyle intervention can have a profound impact on autoimmune dysfunction and chronic disease.

She spent 20+ years declining from Multiple Sclerosis until she took her health into her own hands and made the radical recovery from tilt-recline wheelchair to biking once again.

By following a therapeutic diet and lifestyle protocol, Dr. Wahls shows us that you can still thrive and live a full, meaningful life despite your diagnosis.

Add-On 4 Weeks Of Post-event Community Coaching!

Begin Your Own Health Transformation At The Virtual Wahls Protocol® Seminar

Begin Your Own Health Transformation At The Virtual Wahls Protocol® Seminar

Hear what past attendees have to say

  • I’ve had PPMS for 20 years and I’m very disabled. My disease is very advanced so I wasn’t expecting the diet to be able to help me, but it does and it helps more and more the longer I do it. I was also not expecting the seminar to be useful for someone in my position as I thought it would be too much geared towards those with less advanced disease. But it was fantastic. It was really stimulating and challenging in all the right ways. I live in Germany so I couldn’t see most of it live because of the time difference, but I don’t feel like it matters as it suits my energy level much better to watch the lectures over a longer space of time and I’m sure I’ll want to watch most of them again. I feel deeply grateful for everything Dr. Wahls has given me!

    2021 Virtual Guest
  • The seminars are a great way to learn more about a variety of health issues and stay in touch with the MS community.

    Virtual Guest 2021

2022 Speakers


Dr. Terry Wahls Bio

Dr. Terry Wahls is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner and a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa where she conducts clinical trials.  In 2018 she was awarded the Institute for Functional Medicine’s Linus Pauling Award for her contributions in research, clinical care and patient advocacy. She is also a patient with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, which confined her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. Dr. Wahls restored her health using a diet and lifestyle program she designed specifically for her brain and now pedals her bike to work each day. She is the author of The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles.

Research Update European Committee On Treatment And Research in MS (ECTRIMS) Fall 2021

Coming Soon


Robert Hedaya, MD, DLFAPA, ABPN, IFMCP

ROBERT J. HEDAYA, MD, ABPN, DLFAPA has been at the cutting edge of medical practice, psychiatry and psychopharmacology since 1979. With the publication of his first book, Understanding Biological Psychiatry (Norton, 1996) he pioneered the use of Functional Medicine in the Psychiatric field. Dr. Hedaya is also a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical Center, where has been awarded the “Teacher of the Year” on 3 occasions while teaching courses on Affective Disorders, Cognitive Therapy and PNIE (Psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinology) since 1983, and received the prestigious Vicennial award. He is a faculty member at the Institute for Functional Medicine, author of two additional books (The Antidepressant Survival Guide, and Depression: Advancing the Treatment Paradigm), and the founder of the Center for Whole Psychiatry and Brain Recovery. Dr. Hedaya is an editorial volunteer for Advances in Mind-Body Medicine and Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. He has been featured in the local and national media (20/20, 60 minutes, Vogue, the New York Times, Washington Post etc.) on many occasions and is a frequent, nationally and internationally recognized speaker. 

His website is

Enhancing Brain Recovery with Functional Medicine and HYLANE technology

Many neuropsychiatric disorders are only partially responsive to current mainstream treatments, leaving patients with residual deficits at best, and relapsing or chronic conditions at worst. 

Functional medicine (FM), commonly thought of as systems medicine or ‘root cause’ medicine, addresses various underlying systems which interact with and heal the brain; 

However, qEEG analysis– after FM has been implemented–reveals significant residual abnormalities of brain function indicating a partial recovery of brain function. 

Using HYLANETM technology (HBOT, qEEG-guided laser therapy, and Neural exercises, such as NFB) we have been able to normalize within-brain-function as documented in qEEG, and published in our recent paper, as well as restore localized brain volumes (documented on Neuroquant MRI) in subcortical structures such as the palladium, and basal ganglia; 

We have applied this to diverse conditions (APOE4 homozygote -based MCI, treatment resistant depression, Broca’s aphasia, acquired prosopagnosia, Early vascular MCI, temporal Lobe epilepsy, facial distortion in a paranoid schizophrenic, and improving reading speed)  with excellent results and are now working on a prospective study; 

In this presentation Dr Hedaya will review the basics of Functional Medicine, the science behind HYLANETM technology, and accumulating clinical data and cases.


Ken Sharlin, M.D., M.P.H., IFMCP

Ken Sharlin, M.D., M.P.H., IFMCP, is a board-certified neurologist and functional medicine practitioner.  He received his medical degrees from Emory University, and functional medicine education through The Institute for Functional Medicine.  He was the first physician to be recognized as a Wahls Protocol Certified Health Professional.  In addition, Dr. Sharlin has trained in the Bredesen Protocol for Reversal of Cognitive Decline (ReCODE) in Alzheimer’s disease.  He practices general neurology, conducts clinical research in multiple sclerosis, and directs his functional medicine program, Brain Tune Up!, through his clinic, Sharlin Health and Neurology, located in Ozark, MO.

Advanced Considerations for Brain Health

As the author of, The Healthy Brain Toolbox, I will share the neurologist’s approach to investigating neurological complaints in the clinic, how multiple sclerosis is diagnosed including an overview of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a primer on autoimmunity, and a brief discussion of the emerging field of stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis.


Dian Ginsberg MD

Dr. Ginsberg completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Bowman-Gray School of Medicine in North Carolina before Houston’s sunny climate brought her to Texas. Dr. Ginsberg has years of experience providing comprehensive obstetrics and gynecology treatment. As her career advanced, she developed a special interest in functional medicine and the manner in which it optimizes health.  This passion now encompasses special focus on the understanding of genetics and methylation, optimal hormone balance and overall healthy aging. Being a black belt in Tae Kwan Do and an accomplished marathon runner and triathlete has led her to explore the latest medical advances in wellness for athletes along with anti-aging therapies for both men and women. She is motivated to continue her research in nutritional therapies for many reasons, most significantly for the benefits it has brought to her sons with specific learning needs.

Dr. Ginsberg lectures for Functional Medicine University on the topic of PCOS, its natural reversal, and pathways to fertility. She is the author of The PCOS Environmental Roadmap. Rectangularization of aging is her personal passion, and she is faculty at the American Academy of Anti-Aging/MMI where she has lectured about bio-identical hormone replacement, methylation and how to clinically apply these therapies to minimize disease and maximize healthspan. She is now actively involved in a ground-breaking infusion study looking at Young Fresh Frozen Plasma and the effect it has on helping reverse symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease.




Therapeutics for MS: The Benefits of Optimizing Hormones—The Latest In Young Fresh Frozen Plasma Infusions

Research now on a regular basis is indicating that dysregulation of circulating estrogens observed in peri and post-menopausal women can adversely impact brain cognition. It extends into testosterone levels for both men and women. Free radicals that occur simply from living, breathing, and eating must be reduced to enable the body tissues to remain functional. As the free radical load increases in the body, hormones drop and the ability to keep its ‘balance and function’ decreases. Eventually the parts can no longer work together to sustain total body function, especially in the brain, and a disorganized state of neurodegeneration(MS) occurs.

The question whether young blood or young fresh frozen plasma (yFFP) contains rejuvenating factors has been explored in academic institutions for years. Interest and hope that this young plasma is a gateway to help neurodegenerative disease models continues.

Human Plasma contains substances that produce similar results as the animal blood sharing(parabiosis) models. It was not long after the parabiosis studies that double- blind, placebo- controlled trials were begun on human Alzheimer and Parkinson’s patients at Stanford University.

In Houston Texas, an Infusion study of MS patients was done using yFFP from 18-25 year old volunteers.

This presentation will highlight promising interventions in the MS field, such as bio-identical hormone replacement and utilization of clinical testing such as salivary, blood and urine hormones and how to apply them clinically. Also explored will be the study results and how young fresh frozen plasma (FFP) can be implemented in treatment for MS.


Dr. Babita Bisht

Dr. Babita Bisht is a physical therapist trained in exercise science, and dietary and lifestyle interventions. She earned bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy from PGIMER, Chandigarh, India in 2007. She received her PhD in Health and Human Physiology under mentorship of Dr. Warren Darling and Dr. Terry Wahls at the University of Iowa in 2014. She is Wahls Protocol® Certified Health Practitioner. Since past 10 years she has been working on clinical trials investigating the feasibility and effectiveness of dietary and lifestyle changes as therapeutic intervention for multiple sclerosis. She has presented her research at several conferences including American Physical Therapy Association, The Institute for Functional Medicine, and the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers. In addition to clinical research, she practices as physical therapist and has worked in a wide range of clinical settings treating adults and geriatric patients with orthopedic and neurological conditions.

Physical Activity for Healthy Aging

Healthy ageing is defined by WHO as the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that will enable older people to do the things that matter to them. Older adults face several challenges that come with old age such as reduced muscle mass, decreased mobility, pain, cognitive impairments and many others. I will present evidence showing beneficial effects of physical activity in preventing or managing these challenges associated with aging. We will discuss about different types of physical activity/exercises and strategies to become more physically active to achieve our goal of healthy aging.


  • To understand how aging affects our body and mind, and what is healthy aging.
  • To discuss how physical activity supports healthy aging.
  • To discuss resources and tools available to implement physical activity and/or well-balanced exercise program.


Chef Andrea Sprague Bio

Andrea is a Health Supportive Chef & Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. She helps clients learn to love food again after food allergies or a healing crisis causes them to radically change their diets.

With over a decade in the culinary business, Andrea first went to culinary school

to learn to cook for herself after a food allergy diagnosis. In culinary school, she

discovered not just her love of cooking, but a new way to feed herself that completely

eliminated the symptoms of the food allergy that had plagued her for years.

Through her own health journey, she discovered the immense healing power food can have and dedicated her life to helping others heal in the same way. She utilizes healing diets like the Wahls Protocol to create nutrient dense menu plans that are also delicious and satisfying. Andrea is a certified Wahls Health Practitioner.

Andrea’s mission is to help people live their best life, focusing on the role nutrition plays in their overall wellbeing.  She is masterful at helping people implement dietary changes that stick. She has a series of online courses focused on allergy free cooking that are designed for both the home cook and professional chefs.

5 Steps to Successful Meal Planning

In this talk with Chef Andrea, she will show you how to menu plan to create delicious meals all week AND save time in the kitchen. She will cover these helpful skills:

  • How to plan out a week’s worth of food and where to get new ideas for meals
  • Cook once and eat twice (or three or four times)
  • How to get all those colors and greens and sulfurs in over the week
  • Creating the framework for a wonderful week of meals and how to use that over and over!


Dr. Michael Ruscio

Michael Ruscio is a doctor, clinical researcher, and best-selling author whose practical ideas on healing chronic illness have made him an influential voice in functional and alternative medicine.  His research has been published in peer reviewed medical journals and he speaks at integrative medical conferences across the globe.


Dr. Ruscio’s best-selling book, Healthy Gut, Healthy You, has paved the way for a ‘start with the gut’ philosophy which has enabled doctors and patients to obtain improved outcomes with minimal expense and effort.

He is leading the charge to make alternative medicine more affordable, effective and practical, through a pragmatic application of evidence-based therapies.  Dr. Ruscio’s ability to objectively analyze medical literature has made him a trusted voice of reason, a voice he shares on his top-rated podcast and website.

The Gut-Thyroid Connection, Profound But Under-Appreciated

The gastrointestinal tract markedly influences the thyroid via autoimmunity, thyroid hormone conversion, and absorption of thyroid medication. Mismanagement of digestive health is actually one of the most common reasons for recalcitrant “thyroid symptoms.” This presentation will highlight multiple case studies, as well as the practically relevant actions that can be taken to improve thyroid health via optimization of the GI tract.
Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the published science associating GI conditions to hypothyroidism + thyroid autoimmunity.
  • Review testing that can be used to definitively determine if one truly is or is not hypothyroid.
  • Understand how chronic malabsorption due to poor gut health impacts the efficacy of thyroid treatment and what to do about it.


Hannah Crum

Hannah Crum, aka “The Kombucha Mamma,” pioneered Kombucha Kamp, an educational workshop, in 2004 out of her small Los Angeles kitchen. Along with husband Alex LaGory, they created the top educational site with a mission to “change the world, one gut at a time,” by providing quality information, cultures and customer support. Through Kombucha Kamp’s videos, blog posts, online support communities, and award-winning Amazon Best Seller, “The Big Book of Kombucha,” they serve as mentors and the leading experts in Kombucha to millions of Kombucha lovers from all corners of the earth. A popular speaker about Kombucha, fermentation and bacteriosapiens, Hannah frequently tours and can be found speaking at corporate and health conferences, fermentation festivals and events throughout the US and abroad. As an extension of Hannah and Alex’s mission, they also co-founded Kombucha Brewers International in 2014 to unite and advocate for the commercial Kombucha bottling industry

The Preventative Health Effects of Drinking Kombucha Daily

Kombucha’s healing power lies in the presence of its biodiverse set of microbes – some of them recognized by the scientific community and some yet to be discovered. This ancient beverage has been hailed as a health tonic that aids in the recovery and prevention of countless different ailments, and Crum’s mission is to encourage others to “trust your gut” and promote overall health by incorporating Kombucha into their diet. 


Shannon Lea Pickering, M.S. Psychology Bio

I was successful for 20 years in clinical and corporate roles, AND by the time I was 44, I had been diagnosed with 7 autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus, fibromyalgia, endometriosis and narcolepsy. I discovered the hard way that if you don’t take care of your mind, body and soul, your body will shut you down for maintenance. I accepted the call to heal and I am happy to say that I am now free of autoimmune disease. I am also a Stage 3 Cancer thriver. I now know that positive psychology coaching is the career where my talents and passion collide. My passion and purpose is to help others achieve mental, emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing so that they are free to pursue their passion and their purpose – because the world craves each of our unique contributions.

Title: Top 10 Biohacks For A Better Night’s Sleep + Action Plan + Coaching Exercise

Are you tempted to try to determine which is most important: Eating (Nutrition), Moving (Exercise), or Sleeping? Research reveals that most experts agree: these are the “Big 3” components of physical health and wellbeing and may actually all be of equal importance. However, research also reveals that sleep is often the most neglected of the three, and therefore the area that may need to be addressed more urgently. This presentation will begin with motivational interviewing questions and conclude with a SMART goal plan. Presentation will also include a fun and creative coaching exercise to help participants prioritize sleep.


Darryl Edwards

Darryl Edwards is a former investment banking technologist turned movement coach and author. He is the founder of the Primal Play Method and a physical activity, health and play researcher

After almost two decades working as a technologist in investment banking, Darryl transformed his health after adopting a back-to-basics approach to well-being. As a health and movement coach, Darryl now advises people on maintaining a healthy lifestyle—amidst the epidemic of obesity and other chronic lifestyle diseases.

He regularly presents as a keynote and motivational speaker at academic, clinical, health promotion and corporate events worldwide. Darryl’s April 2019 TED talk “Why working out isn’t working out” discussing the issues with physical inactivity and why most humans hate to exercise—has now been viewed over a million times!


Leslie Nolte

My resilience is built upon defying and learning from the significant challenges of growing up in public housing in the South Bronx and Puerto Rico, being diagnosed at age 37 with Type 1 Diabetes, and navigating the USAF and in the Investment Banking culture as both a female and a minority. After 20 years as a Wealth Advisor, I reinvented myself to pursue helping individuals lead well by resetting their wellbeing and emboldening their courage to pursue the life they’ve imagined. My Type 1 diagnosis inspired me to dare to fully live, except this time, I would partner with my body. I identified my strengths and their alignment with leadership, coaching, and organizational development consulting.

Leslie Nolte has emerged as an innovator in arts education in the Iowa City creative community for two decades. Under her direction, Nolte Academy has become a premiere arts program with 30 specialized instructors and 1,100 students. As part of Kennedy Center’s Ensuring the Arts for Any Given Child program, Leslie brings workshop dance instruction to area schools with lower socioeconomic status, helping to guarantee access and equity to the arts for all students. Leslie has also been a guest lecturer at The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business. Leslie is a busy mom of five who also finds time to act in local theatre, teach Pilates at her studio, support various arts endeavors and deepen her personal yoga practice.

Dance for Longevity

My resilience is built upon defying and learning from the significant challenges of growing up in public housing in the South Bronx and Puerto Rico, being diagnosed at age 37 with Type 1 Diabetes, and navigating the USAF and in the Investment Banking culture as both a female and a minority. After 20 years as a Wealth Advisor, I reinvented myself to pursue helping individuals lead well by resetting their wellbeing and emboldening their courage to pursue the life they’ve imagined. My Type 1 diagnosis inspired me to dare to fully live, except this time, I would partner with my body. I identified my strengths and their alignment with leadership, coaching, and organizational development consulting.

Leslie Nolte has emerged as an innovator in arts education in the Iowa City creative community for two decades. Under her direction, Nolte Academy has become a premiere arts program with 30 specialized instructors and 1,100 students. As part of Kennedy Center’s Ensuring the Arts for Any Given Child program, Leslie brings workshop dance instruction to area schools with lower socioeconomic status, helping to guarantee access and equity to the arts for all students. Leslie has also been a guest lecturer at The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business. Leslie is a busy mom of five who also finds time to act in local theatre, teach Pilates at her studio, support various arts endeavors and deepen her personal yoga practice.

Hear what past attendees have to say

  • This is my second year participating in the Wahls seminar. Obviously this year was different because of the pandemic but Terry Wahls and her team did their best to create a program packed with expert talks, tips and great information for anyone struggling with an autoimmune disease. Terry can only provide the information and encouragement but it is up to each of us as individuals to implement what we have learned. Looking forward to implementing what I have learned over the next year until the next seminar!

    2020 Virtual Guest
  • I plan on attending the Wahls Protocol Seminar every year. I learned about so many resources that can help me manage ms. Dr. Wahls and faculty are knowledgeable and truly care about improving the health of people with autoimmune disease. They are helping people in a way that traditional medicine is unable to at this team. So grateful for these wonderful humans. Great investment for your health!

    2020 Virtual Guest
  • The Wahls Protocol Virtual Seminar Experience has been a life changing event for me! Diagnosed 6 years ago with MS, I was shocked and in disbelief for years. I started a DMT, as recommended, however, I believed I could just work much harder to overcome MS and maintain my professional and personal lifestyle by not acknowledging that my diagnosis would be a life-changer.

    2020 Virtual Guest

You’ll hear transformative lectures that will teach you:


How a lifetime of food and environmental exposures led to the poor health you have.


How the health of your cells determines the health of your body and that you cannot become well until your cells are well.


The root cause of why your cells started to malfunction,
leading to your illness.


What specific steps you can take to address
the specific root causes of your poor health.


How to properly feed and nourish your cells so that they can
repair and rebuild a healthier you!


How to grow your inner motivation so that you are willing to
make the needed diet and lifestyle changes to get your cells healthy once again.

You will be joining Dr. Terry Wahls and hundreds of people living with MS, autoimmune, and chronic disease to celebrate each other and learn from some of the most forward-thinking (and eating) integrative medical professionals in the industry.

It has never been more critical for you to have a guide who knows the functional and integrative medicine approach to create optimal health. Our conventional colleagues are not equipped to answer these questions.  They don’t know how to guide patients through diet, lifestyle, supplement use, and the functional medicine approach to optimizing health. 

Hear what past attendees have to say

  • The teamwork of Dr Wahls' Seminar 2020 offered an array of topics that exposed new awareness, helping to empower my potential for healing.

    2020 Virtual Guest
  • This is a much-needed review of the protocol with others experiencing the same condition I love and appreciate all involved!

    2020 Virtual Guest

Experience a Hands-On Approach to Health

Get access to live sessions from Dr. Terry Wahls and other guest experts in health, wellness, longevity, and more!

You’ll learn all the valuable information from either the essentials or advanced tracks (or buy access to both) during the event.

Learn and practice the skills and strategies to create your own wellness protocol.

Get a full year of access to the Seminar Portal—revisit the calls and lectures anytime!

Start practicing your new personal protocol from the comfort of your home!

Feel prepared NOW—you’ll start learning specific steps to navigate your health journey.

What do you have to gain?

  • I cried when I told my husband about the seminar. It suddenly became so overwhelming. The connection that we experienced was so very beautiful and powerful. I'm just sitting here feeling profoundly thankful that I got to be a part of such an amazing group of people. Thank you, everyone! I'm holding you all in my heart this morning!

    Sherilyn 2019 Attendee
  • I wasn’t sure what to expect coming to the seminar for the first time. At most I thought I would gain an immense amount of knowledge and useful resources to keep me on track. What I gained was SO much more! The community of warriors, and immediate connections have been such indescribable gifts 🧡. I slept most of the day yesterday - back to work today and I am more motivated than I ever have been to make my health a priority. I’m missing you all, already!

    Patti L. 2019 Attendee
  • I love it when something completely unexpected happens, those unplanned moments when everything is exactly as it should be, and I'm able to be in the moment, and feel true bliss. If somebody told me last week that I would be singing and dancing in public - and enjoying it, I would have thought he was nuts. But what the heck, when the river is flowing only a real nut tries to swim upstream.

    Seminar Attendee 2019
  • This Wahls Warrior princess (using the bright red walker) at the seminar thanks ALL of you for restoring my hope!! I have NEVER been in a crowd of such empowered, like-minded people determined to NOT be victims of their disease since I was diagnosed in 2004! Again, THANK YOU and I wish for you nothing but great health and much happiness.

    Shawn K. 2017 Seminar Attendee
  • just want to say I am so happy I was able to attend this seminar❤️ Listening to Dr Wahls share her story and journey I person was so inspiring and connecting with like-minded people was priceless✨ I have left feeling inspired, motivated and grateful for the new found friendships I have made.  Thank you for all involved working on this event - everyone was so welcoming. It was such a great conference hearing all the speakers and connecting with some amazing like minded individuals!  I felt really inspired and motivated - the community you all created was such a positive experience.  

    2018 Seminar Guest
  • The Wahls Protocol Seminar was great, and the "After Seminar-Seminar" was pretty great too! It's all about community, and the community that has developed and continues to grow around the Wahls Protocol is truly amazing. Together, we can accomplish anything, and nobody gets left behind. We're all in.

    Seminar Attendee 2019
  • Now, we can't stop thinking about next year, so we can do it again! Back to the real world, it was a truly memorable experience. We learned about the biome, and nutrition. We heard about the latest research and therapy. We found out about hormones, how to move like an animal and the importance of mindfulness. But I learned something that was much more important. After the seminar, when everything had quieted down, and the conference rooms that had been home to so much energy had emptied, I found what we had travelled so far for. Human connection. Everything we need is right in front of us; it is up to us to accept what is so graciously offered. Friendship exists for those who seek it, and take a chance by giving a little of themselves in the spirit of conversation and listening as others do the same. We had no idea what awaited in Cedar Rapids, but I do believe we found exactly what we needed.  

    2018 Seminar Guest
  • I just ordered a salad from the hotel. The manager says, "I don't have any more Wahls certified meals." I tell him that's ok, I'll try to make my own. He comes back, and says "I'm out of salmon but have chicken. How does that need to be prepared?" "I want you to kick MS' ass!"

    I was almost in tears. It was so kind and the perfect thing to hear at the perfect moment.
    Cecy 2019 Attendee
  • What a great seminar and retreat (as an alumni I think the retreat part was even more golden this year). I had a 3 hour layover at the Denver Airport and am now on my way to Vancouver, BC. During that time I worked on a goals list of things I want to add/tweak/increase to further my healing. The trip always makes me feel so motivated to do more. Now to get my butt in motion and DO more!

    Cindy H 2019 Attendee
  • I’m speechless. I has been a really memorable week, not only food and protocol, it’s been all about life changing posibilites and purpose minded life projects. And in top of it, marvelous people to bond with. “ ... if you’ve gotten where you are not being 100%, imagine what you can be and do being your 100%” Thanks Dr Wahls for your kindness and selfishness less to welcome me/us in your tribe, in working for more knowledge and supporting each other in this life healing/enjoyment process.

    Ana 2019

Together we will learn how we can take better care of ourselves, practice and adapt new skills, be healthier, stronger, and more vital for ourselves, our family and our community.

Access Any Past Recordings

    $197Feb 10-11, 2022

    The Basics For Brain Health

    Replay Access To All Lecture Recordings
    $197Jun. 9-10, 2022

    Mycotoxins & Hormones

    Replay Access To All Lecture Recordings
    $197Aug 11-12, 2022

    Building Resilience

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  • Virtual Seminar Series #4
    $197Nov 17-18, 2022


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Hear what past attendees have to say

  • It was serendipitous when I noticed near the beginning of the pandemic that Dr. Wahls had released her second Protocol book. And that she was offering an online seminar for many to follow.

    Her seminar introduced me to Functional Medicine practitioners of many stripes: neurology, exercise, cooking, autoimmune specialist, e-stim, toxins and mold. The list of topics and presenters was outstanding. Questions were answered in real-time within a chat format and participants could share experiences with one another in break-out rooms. What a gift!

    My husband and I ended up following Level 1 The Wahls Diet™. But let me tell you about my clinical results after 3 months.

    When I first started in February, I was using a rollator everywhere, not going anywhere by myself and had brain fog that kept me from thinking about and doing things I love to think about and do.

    Four months after starting the Protocol, I saw my neurologist. He actually said “WOW! Tell me what’s going on.” I’ve parked my rollator and am now using a cane, and I was able to explain “The Wahls Protocol” to him.

    We decided to defer any more Ocrevus infusions (unless I have recurring symptoms), stop a stimulant he had me on (I’d already stopped a second one), but kept all the B and D vitamins. And that’s the extent of my meds list.

    I’d truly forgotten who I used to be. A sexy, fun, smart lady who loves living in the city and making art. I have an architect husband, Mike, whom you’ve all met online in Wahls Seminar 2020. And with his unconditional love and support, we both benefited immeasurably.

    I get to keep him, too. 🙂 That’s a pretty great story, don’t you agree?

    Anne & Mike McGinn 2020 Virtual Guest

Did You Miss Series #1: Basics For Brain Health? You don't have to miss out—you can still catch the recordings.

Day 1: February 10, 2022, 8:00 AM—6:00 PM CST

Talk Speaker
Chronic Illness: How to Take Back Control of Your Life and Reclaim Your Well Being Using the RTL Formula Kahkshan Ali
Modulating The Microbiome And Overall Health With Food Liz Lipski
Multiple Sclerosis Overview Brandon Beaber
Research Update: America’s Committee On Treatment And Research In MS (ACTRIMS) Forum 2021 Terry Wahls
A Naturopathic Approach To MS Darin Ingles
An Integrative Neurobiological Approach To Helping Children With ADHD Dr. Juliana Nahas
The Anti-Inflammation Diet Terry Wahls
An Integrative Neurologist’s Guide to MS and The Wahls Protocol® – Navigating the Galaxy of Medicine to Discover Your Path to Success Dr. Ken Sharlin
Wrap-Up Dr. Wahls & Beth Schultz
Breakout Sessions

Day 2: February 11, 2022, 8:00 AM—12:00 PM CST

Talk Speaker
Fun Family Wellbeing Activities Shannon Lea Pickering
Tai Chi for Stress Reduction in Mind and Body Arlene Faulk
How to Tame Bitter Vegetables (So Everyone Will Eat Them) Andrea Sprague
Movement/Your Semi-Annual Movement Check-up By Your PT Sheryl Poremba
Wrap Up Dr. Wahls & Beth Schultz

Did You Miss Series #2: Mycotoxins & Hormones? You don't have to miss out—you can still catch the recordings.

Day 1: June 9, 2022, 8:00 AM—6:00 PM CST

Talk Speaker
The Connection between Mold Biotoxins and Hashimoto’s Anshul Gupta
MS Clinical Care Update Consortium of MS Centers Oct 2021 Terry Wahls
Brain Detoxification And The Glymphatic System Tom Moorcroft
Decoding Toxins: A Roadmap to Optimal Health Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA
Toxin Induced Autoimmunity Tom Moorcroft
The Number One Toxin We Can’t See Pejman Katiraei
Insights from IFM – 2021 Terry Wahls
Mycotoxins and Hormonal Disruption Margaret Christensen
Wrap-Up Dr. Wahls & Beth Schultz

Day 2: June 10, 2022, 8:00 AM—12:00 PM CST

Talk Speaker
8 Practical Practices to Detox Your Environment Shannon Lea Pickering
Fermentation Made Easy & Delicious Alene Brennan
Functional Fasting Rosemary Ferguson
Dancing As Exercise Leslie Nolte

Did You Miss Series #3: Building Resilience? You don't have to miss out—you can still catch the recordings.

Day 1


Talk Speaker
Overcoming Generational and Cultural Obstacles Madiha Saeed, MD
Research Update European Committee On Treatment And Research in MS (ECTRIMS) Fall 2021 Dr. Terry Wahls
Breathwork To Reduce Inflammation – Introducing the Wim Hof Method Ed Paget
Top 10 Tips To Transform Your Health By Shifting To A Mentality of Healing Shannon Lea Pickering
Raising Healthy families using the Wahls Protocol® Dr. Elisa Song
The Positive Effects of Meditation on Improving Resilience Dr. Shelly Sethi
Exercise, Activity, Movement To Build Resilience Sheryl Poremba
Sustainable Holistic Health and The Art Of Deep Nature Connection Dr. Nicole Apelian

Day 2: Aug 12, 2022, 8:00 AM—12:00 PM CST

Talk Speaker
Become The Leader Of You Through Dance. Access Your Deepest Wisdom To Fully Live Bianca Capo
How To Make Grain Free Skillet Granola Shannon Lea Pickering
Getting Children and Spouses On-Board Andrea Sprague
Movement/Your Semi-Annual Movement Check-up By Your PT Sheryl Poremba

Add on Wahls Protocol® Coaching

Feel supported and stay accountable with 4 weeks of post-event group coaching with Wahls Health Practitioner, Beth Schultz.

Meet Tuesdays at 2:30 pm CST over ZOOM
Nov. 22, Nov. 29, Dec. 6, Dec. 13, 2022

Hear from past attendees:

Featured Article: "Wahls Seminar Provides Different Perspectives on Managing MS: A Nutritionist’s View",
by Alana Kessler MS RD ( on Multiple Sclerosis News Today Blog

“To say these few days were inspiring would be an understatement. From the cutting-edge content to the precise scheduling, every day was packed with a Michelin star-quality menu of the latest scientific research, interactive community building, mindful exercise, and opportunities to learn and explore new and creative strategies to heal and uplevel the functionality of the body, mind, and spirit.”

Read the full article, click here. 

Visit Alana’s website

  • I’m speechless. I has been a really memorable week, not only food and protocol, it’s been all about life changing posibilites and purpose minded life projects. And in top of it, marvelous people to bond with. “ ... if you’ve gotten where you are not being 100%, imagine what you can be and do being your 100%” Thanks Dr Wahls for your kindness and selfishness less to welcome me/us in your tribe, in working for more knowledge and supporting each other in this life healing/enjoyment process.

    Ana 2019
  • The Wahls Protocol Seminar was great, and the "After Seminar-Seminar" was pretty great too! It's all about community, and the community that has developed and continues to grow around the Wahls Protocol is truly amazing. Together, we can accomplish anything, and nobody gets left behind. We're all in.

    Seminar Attendee 2019
  • I cried when I told my husband about the seminar. It suddenly became so overwhelming. The connection that we experienced was so very beautiful and powerful. I'm just sitting here feeling profoundly thankful that I got to be a part of such an amazing group of people. Thank you, everyone! I'm holding you all in my heart this morning!

    Sherilyn 2019 Attendee
  • I love it when something completely unexpected happens, those unplanned moments when everything is exactly as it should be, and I'm able to be in the moment, and feel true bliss. If somebody told me last week that I would be singing and dancing in public - and enjoying it, I would have thought he was nuts. But what the heck, when the river is flowing only a real nut tries to swim upstream.

    Seminar Attendee 2019
  • What a great seminar and retreat (as an alumni I think the retreat part was even more golden this year). I had a 3 hour layover at the Denver Airport and am now on my way to Vancouver, BC. During that time I worked on a goals list of things I want to add/tweak/increase to further my healing. The trip always makes me feel so motivated to do more. Now to get my butt in motion and DO more!

    Cindy H 2019 Attendee
  • I just ordered a salad from the hotel. The manager says, "I don't have any more Wahls certified meals." I tell him that's ok, I'll try to make my own. He comes back, and says "I'm out of salmon but have chicken. How does that need to be prepared?" "I want you to kick MS' ass!"

    I was almost in tears. It was so kind and the perfect thing to hear at the perfect moment.
    Cecy 2019 Attendee
  • I wasn’t sure what to expect coming to the seminar for the first time. At most I thought I would gain an immense amount of knowledge and useful resources to keep me on track. What I gained was SO much more! The community of warriors, and immediate connections have been such indescribable gifts 🧡. I slept most of the day yesterday - back to work today and I am more motivated than I ever have been to make my health a priority. I’m missing you all, already!

    Patti L. 2019 Attendee

Travel & Hotel Information

Thursday July 30, 2020 @ 2:00 pm. The first lectures begin at 6:00 pm on Thursday

The Seminar & Retreat will have reserved a block of rooms at a discounted rate.
Book your room through this link, click here.

The hotel is located at 1200 Collins Rd NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

The Eastern Iowa Regional Airport is the local airport (Airport code CID)
Both the hotel and the airport can arrange travel shuttles for convenient transport.

If you need further assistance with your travel arrangements,
please contact Annette Reed at Hawkeye World Travel (319) 351-0300.

Event FAQ's

Am I able to get a refund if I cannot attend?

While we understand that life happens and the unexpected can occur, we stress that your ticket is purchasing the incredibly valuable information that the Seminar provides. If something comes up, please alert and we will give you digital access to the content from the seminar. There are no refunds with no exceptions. Please read the terms and conditions  before making your purchase.

When should I plan to arrive and leave?

  • Plan to arrive Thursday, July 30th and register by 5:30 pm
  • The first lecture begins on Thursday, July 30th at 6:00 pm — this is different from previous years.
  • Saturday, August 1 the seminar will end by 5 pm
  • Health Professionals taking the certification track: Event will end at 5:00 pm on Sunday

How do I book my hotel room?

We will have a block of rooms reserved for Wahls Seminar participants at the Marriott. For ease and convenience, we suggest you stay at The Marriott.

Book your room now, click here.

If you’d like to have a room closer to the elevator or a wheelchair-accessible room, please directly call the hotel to arrange that. Please be aware here is a very limited amount of handicap-accessible rooms.

You also call the reservation hotline at 1-800-396-2153. You will need to inform the reservation agent they are with the Wahls Protocol® Seminar to receive discounted rates.

If you have any problems making reservations please contact Annette Reed at 319-321-0842.

Will I be able to stay Wahls Protocol® Compliant?

The event will serve Wahls Protocol® Compliant meals during the conference. We will post a menu as soon as its available. There are no substitions or customizations for the meals, we do make them flexible for vegetarian and kosher attendees. There are also grocery stores near by including New Pioneer Co-op and a Natural Food Store.

I am a health practitioner, is this event eligible for CME?

Unfortunately, we have not been able to offer CME credits because of the conflict of commercial interest policy outlined by as explained here.

When can I find the schedule for the 2020 Wahls Protocol® Seminar & Retreat?

We are still locking in our speakers and seminar topics for the 2020 seminar. We will post the schedule as soon as its available.

Is there a Facebook group for 2020 Wahls Protocol® Seminar & Retreat?

Yes, the Facebook group is exclusively for new attendees and alumni. This is a closed group, if your request isn’t accepted to join the group, please message

How do I get there?

The hotel is located in the northern part of Cedar Rapids, about a 20 minute drive north of the Cedar Rapids airport, and just a few miles off of interstate 380. If you’re flying in, we suggest either taking the complimentary hotel shuttle, hiring a taxi (estimated at $42 each way), or renting a car if you’d like to do some sightseeing on your own! The Marriott offers complimentary parking for guests if you bring a car. To reserve the complimentary Marriott  shuttle pick up for your stay, you must book it in advance: Marriott Shuttle Phone: 1-319-393-6600 If you do choose to rent a car from the Eastern Iowa/Cedar Rapids airport, a full listing of car rental agencies can be found by clicking here.

What should I wear?

The Marriott hotel ballroom can sometimes be chilly, so we suggest you dress in layers during the day sessions. August in Iowa is pretty hot and humid, so if you go outside, you might want to consider bringing a cooling vest or head wrap if you are heat-sensitive. For those with sensitivity to light, we suggest bringing sunglasses with you that you can wear inside during the day-sessions, as the meeting room lights can be bright.

My company would like to become a Wahls Protocol® Seminar & Retreat sponsor.

We are always looking to connect with companies driven to promote health and wellness. Please contact our sponsorship manager here for more information.

Hear what past attendees have to say

  • This seminar is truly life-changing. I didn’t realize all I could learn. I loved the virtual format and found it kept me accountable over the weeks! Love the community as well. 

    Holly 2020 Virtual Guest
  • The inspiration offered through the current virtual events has been great; better than we had hoped for.

    The virtual format is more comfortable and less challenging than face-to-face is.

    Having access to the recorded presentations for review at my leisure is valuable.

    2020 Virtual Guest
  • I read about the annual Wahls Protocol Seminar and immediately registered and attended the 2019 Protocol Seminar. I was so thankful I did. I am a Wahls Warrior on a healing journey with the other Wahls Warriors. This is my second Protocol Seminar (2020) and I will be signing up for my 3rd. Thank You Dr. Wahls for going before us and now coming alongside us in our journey for healing to happen through lifestyle and food!

    2020 Virtual Guest

Event Sponsors

Event FAQ's

Am I able to get a refund if I cannot attend?

While we understand that life happens and the unexpected can occur, we stress that your ticket is purchasing the incredibly valuable information that the Seminar provides. If something comes up, please alert and we will give you digital access to the content from the seminar. There are no refunds with no exceptions. Please read the terms and conditions  before making your purchase.

Is there a Facebook group for 2022 Wahls Protocol® Seminar & Retreat?

Yes, the Facebook group is exclusively for new attendees and alumni. This is a closed group, if your request isn’t accepted to join the group, please message

My company would like to become a Wahls Protocol® Seminar & Retreat sponsor.

We are always looking to connect with companies driven to promote health and wellness. Please contact our sponsorship manager here for more information.

Terms & Conditions

  • I am ready to register RIGHT NOW before the limited seats are filled!
  • Payment: All payments are non-refundable. Full payment is required to confirm your registration. The event is limited in size and will fill quickly. Registrations are on a first come, first serve basis. Your registration is not confirmed and payment is not deemed made until full payment is received and you receive a confirmation invoice. Terry Wahls LLC., reserves the right to place you on a waiting list should the space be unavailable when payment is submitted. Payment will only be refunded if the space is sold out.
  • Payment is accepted by, Visa, MasterCard, Discover/Novus, American Express and PayPal.
  • Cancellation by Attendee. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN. In the event of cancellation, Attendee will be given access to the pre-recorded Wahls Seminar and materials from the seminar. Attendee is solely responsible for a cancellation of hotel, airline, and/or car rental reservations. Wahls is not responsible for any consequential or other losses resulting from Attendee’s cancellation of the Seminar.
  • Cancellation by Wahls. In the unlikely event of Wahls’ cancellation, if specific speakers are cancelled, the seminar will be continued with alternative speakers and prerecorded material as needed to conduct the live event. Alternatively, if the entire live seminar is cancelled, Attendee will be provided access to a pre-recorded version of the specific Wahls Seminar. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN. Wahls is not responsible for any consequential or other losses resulting from Wahls cancellation of the Seminar.
  • Terry Wahls, LLC, reserves the right to cancel or reschedule for any reason, including insufficient demand or force majeure. If the event is canceled, Terry Wahls, LLC’s only responsibility will be to provide access to the pre-recorded seminar lectures, seminar lectures and seminar materials via the seminar membership site. Terry Wahls LLC., cannot assume responsibility for any additional costs or any fees relating to the issuance and/or cancellation of air tickets or other travel arrangements.
  • By purchasing a registration to The Wahls Protocol Seminar 2020, this constitutes as acknowledgement and acceptance on behalf of myself (and the individual(s) for whom I’ve purchased a registration) to the following:
    (A) Any and all audio-visual video, film, or photographic recording of The Wahls Protocol Seminar 2021 for future marketing and publicity use by Dr. Terry Wahls and The Wahls Foundation.
    (B) I consent to the recording of me, my voice, and my likeness, and grant The Wahls Foundation and Dr. Terry Wahls the rights to reproduce, display, distribute, create derivative works from, and otherwise use any photos or footage, whole or in part, for potential promotional and marketing materials related to Dr. Wahls, without any compensation whatsoever.
    (C) I further understand and agree that Dr. Terry Wahls is under no obligation to capture photos or footage of me, or to make use of any photos or footage if they are created at The Wahls Protocol Seminar 2021.See terms and conditions.

This web site offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. The use of any information provided on this web site is solely at your own risk. Nothing stated or posted on this web site or available through any services offered by Dr. Terry Wahls and Dr. Terry Wahls, LLC, are intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medicine. Information provided on this web site DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any doctor affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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