Dr. Christian Rauch, MSc.

Ich heiße Dr. Christian Rauch, MSc. und bin zertifizierter Wahls Protocol ® Health Practicioner. Zusammen können wir das Wahls Protokoll ® Schritt für Schritt in deinen Tagesablauf integrieren und den optimalen Nutzen für deine persönliche Gesundung aus diesem Programm herausziehen. Solltest Du an Multipler Sklerose leiden, findest Du in mir einen Mitbetroffenen. Aus eigener Perspektive […]

Stacey Luetmer

Flourish Health, flourishmd.com Dr. Luetmer is an MD, board-certified in Family Medicine. She has also had extensive functional medicine training not only with the Wahl’s Protocol®, but has also completed all the courses through the Institute for Functional Medicine.  She has trained extensively for environmental illnesses by completing the CIRS courses through A4M under Dr. […]

Renny Letswalo

Renny Letswalo is a Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner, a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, and a Recode 2.0 Certified Health Coach. Renny empowers people to explore therapeutic lifestyle changes to help heal their experienced dis-ease. Working in collaboration with a physician, she supports participants to make the necessary, dietary and lifestyle strategies to address the root cause of […]

Dr. Naghmeh Eskandari DC.

www.melodythehealthcoach.com Licensed Chiropractor; Certified Yoga Therapist; Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach; Certified Gluten Sensitivity Practitioner & Certified Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner. After years of enduring fatigue caused by Irritable Bowel Syndrome, I embarked on a relentless quest for answers and finally found a solution to improve my symptoms by discovering the remarkable life-changing Wahls Protocol® […]

Stephanie N Drysdale

Stephanie N. Drysdale www.aboutyourhealthylife.com BSN, RN, LMT, LME, Certified Holistic Health Coach Certified WahlsⓇ Protocol Health Practitioner Hi, I am Stephanie Drysdale from Virginia, Thank you for visiting my site. I have lived the Wahls lifestyle for Multiple Sclerosis since being diagnosed in 2014. Lucky for me, although I believe there is nothing by chance, […]

Amahl Beth VanHalsema

vhHealth www.vhHealth.com Services: Coaching for Gluten-free and autoimmune disorders/Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis with EndoMet and Analytical Research Labs/Heavy Metals & Environmental Toxins/Allergies & Food Sensitivities/ Blood & Stool Testing with Vibrant America Laboratorie. Most recent live mentorships with Lawrence Wilson, MD and TomO’Bryan DC About My name is Amahl B. Van Halsema, but you can […]

Sonia Tzerefos

www.mummasown.com I am a Naturopath, Western Herbalist, Nutritional, Wahls and GAPS Practitioner and I practice and embrace a holistic way of life. I have completed extensive training in my chosen craft holding an Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Medicine as well as certification in both The GAPS Diet and The Wahls […]

Kelly Biel

Entelechy Wellbeing Clinic entelechywellbeingclinic.ca Acupuncture Therapy, Energy Medicine, Meditation, Lian Gong Shi Ba Fa