EW van de Griendt, MD

Mrs. EW van de Griendt, MD, is a primary care physician in the Netherlands since 1995. Her practice Huisartsen Schiedam Noord is based in Schiedam, near Rotterdam. She finished her study Orthomolecular Health Care (comparable to Functional Medicine) in 2018 and has been certified as a Wahls Protocol Health Professional in February 2019. She will start group sessions […]

Dr. Helen Cross

Visit www.healthengineer.co.nz Dr. Helen Cross is passionate about helping people transform their health by transforming their diet and lifestyle. Driven by her energy, vision and personal journey healing her own autoimmune conditions, she has transformed her career over the last few years from a leading business strategist, mentor and director to a pioneering health coach […]

Darryl Edwards

Exercise and Health Coach, Nutritionist Darryl sees clients locally in London and via webcam/telephone from individuals globally who want to incorporate nutrition and movement lifestyle changes that lead to better health. Visit primalplay.com for more information