In Wahls Warriors

5.0 out of 5 stars Empowering Reading – Sobering Implications, November 8, 2011

By Miriam Knight “New Consciousness Review” (Portland, OR, USA) – See all my reviews

This empowering book should be required reading in all medical schools and for anyone who has a chronic illness! This is the story a medical doctor who refused to submit to the prognosis she received for her MS. She found herself deteriorating to the point that she was confined to a recumbent wheelchair, and the accepted wisdom was that her progressive disability could only be slowed down but not reversed.

Always an active person, Dr. Wahls scoured the medical, scientific, and alternative literature for anything that could help. She began piecing together a protocol based on nutrition and exercise, and achieved remarkable results. She went from wheelchair to mountain bike, and is now conducting clinical trials at her teaching hospital.

Although she shares her protocol, the recipes and science behind it all, the real message of the book is that we do not have to be victims of any disease. We have the means to live a healthy life, but we have to be aware of what elements in our environment, lifestyles and diets are dragging us downhill and making us susceptible to a Pandora’s Box of illness and disability. The subtext is that we can’t rely on either the national or medical establishments to protect us, so we had better educate ourselves and clean up our own acts if we want to avoid the modern plagues of autoimmune diseases, diabetes, dementia and more.

Bravo to Dr. Wahls for her guts, brains and persistence in the face of overwhelming odds and pressure from her peers. Bronx Cheer to food and drug manufacturers who put profits before the welfare of consumers.

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