Wahls Team - May 6, 2020

For many with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), some of the many complaints is the inevitability of loss of mobility, loss of muscle strength, and impaired balance. Many look for ways to alleviate these symptoms as MS progresses overtime.

Several case studies have shown that vibration therapy can significantly improve muscle strength and functionality.  Especially in those that have trouble exercising due to physical disabilities or limitations. 20 minutes of vibration therapy in comparison to an hour of usual exercise has proven to show similar results.

Lifepro Fitness, a Wahls Protocol Seminar sponsor, offers several varieties of vibration exercise plates that range in vibration strength from 2-40 Hz. The use of Lifepro vibration plates can help to improve muscle strength and toning, balance training and calming of the nervous system. These are just a few of the many benefits that can help to alleviate the loss of mobility in patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

Specifically the Rumblex delivers gentle Whole Body Vibrations, waking muscles throughout the body, increasing blood flow delivery to the muscles. This enhances your body’s built-in ability to regenerate cells and repair itself. Continued, regular use builds up muscle tone, protecting nerves and bones, and providing greater range of motion as you continue to improve.

Wahls Warriors—get 15% off your next machine with promo code  terrywahls, visit to order

In this video, Joel Gottehrer Co-Founder of Lifepro Fitness, and I discuss:

  • How and why vibration plate therapy functions with the body 
  • What does a vibration platform workout look like—how long? How intense?
  • Explain the different modes to address pain, balance, relaxation and strength!

Vibration plate therapy can lower the risk of falling while improving strength and balance—it’s a great fit for my community.

Read the transcript here:

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Hi, it’s Dr. Wahls.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

I am so glad you joined me today. Now I’d like to know if you could first start off with telling us a little bit about your company and a little bit about yourself.


Thank you. A pleasure to meet you, finally. Yeah, so my name is Joel, and I’m the co founder of Life Pro Fitness.

And we both started with that we both suffered from an ACL injury and part of our recovery process was with whole body vibration. And at the time that we invested in this machine, we realized that it was unaffordable for most people in the market. And since we had such great results, we started investigating and we said “we have to get something out there that can be more affordable for the mass market because there’s so many benefits that can be derived from this machine.” That’s basically where we started. Of course there’s a lot of other moving parts to the story, but that’s where our moment hit us.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

You know, I’m thinking that we should again define for my audience whole body vibration and to the audience, I want to reassure you that there’s a lot of science behind whole body vibration. I’ve been doing that 13 years now and I’ve found it to be very helpful part of my training and my workout. And there are a variety of programs from, that vary the size and the amplitude and whether it’s a triplanar or a oscillating device. I know you have several devices that you’ve developed. Can you, can we talk a little bit more about people with chronic disease and MS, multiple sclerosis, other autoimmune conditions, how this would fit in?


Yeah, sure. So do you want me to explain how the benefits can help MS patients, right?

Dr. Terry Wahls:



Yeah, absolutely. So amid a many studies that show that the involuntary muscle contractions through the vibration, vibrations are happening anywhere from four times, up to 40 times per second. So your muscles are forced to contract and relax so much quicker than it would be without the vibration. So any exercise you do off the vibration plate, you would get more benefit on the vibration.

Which leads back to MS. From what I understand, I’m not an expert in MS, you are, but we lose muscle control and we lose muscle, we avoid moving. So we become weaker. So with the vibration platform, because of the contract, relaxed, involuntary, you don’t have to do anything, all you have to do is stand on it. Your muscles have to get stronger automatically. This would be a great tool on improving the strength, the starting strength, for those who are afraid to move all you got to do is jump on for a few minutes a day.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Correct. And what I’m reading in the research is that this will improve your core strength. It will improve balance, it reduces fall risk. And all of these things are really important to the MS community for us to address. If you have any chronic disease or back pain, I predict that this would be very helpful for that group of people as well.


Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

So the vibration has many benefits. So besides the contract relax, it also relaxes your nervous system. So a lot of people that aches and pains, it diminishes that pain feeling. So it doesn’t eliminate pain permanently, although some people claim it does. But generally speaking is because it calms you down. So the nervous system doesn’t fire for pain. And for balance, it’s all related to the fact that your muscles have to get stronger and it’s stimulating your nervous system so you’re more alert, you know what’s going on around you. So it hits you from so many ways. Yeah.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

And is there a particular, I see you have several models. Is there a particular model that you’d recommend to my tribe? And how would they decide which model to get?


Very good question. So everybody would do well with a basic, the basic is an [oscillation 00:04:07]. Oscillation is the base style of vibration and then it’s in the visual, each person is at a different point in their MS journey, right? So if somebody has pain, then I would recommend the go for the model that has pulsation, the 4D model, because now it has two modes. One is oscillation. The reason why we go over that mode is two reasons. A, the oscillation might be too aggressive for some people who have pain and aches. And the pulsation mode is much calmer and it [crosstalk 00:04:38], get you calm, right?

So, and then if you want to work on balance then you would get the lateral mode. So the 4D also has it. So our model is just to, let’s say the waver just has an oscillation, then the next model has oscillation and pulsation, and the next one has lateral and pulsation. And the fourth model, that’s the 4D that had everything I want. So any goal you may have, you may accomplish, right? So if your goal is just basic strength, then go with the oscillation. But if you have pains and aches, then go for the 4D.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

That could be very helpful. And is this something that people should do every day? Twice a day, three times a day? What kind of workout patterns-


Good question.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Would you have people do?


Very good question. So if you’re starting off, you’re brand new to whole body vibration, I suggest just doing a few minutes a day. And I’m not afraid to tell you that even one minute a day because depending on what age and what physical condition you are, whole body vibration is very intense. People underestimate it.

So you always start slow. So even one minute, two minutes, the goal should be at least 10 minutes a day. That would be, your time point and then you can go to 15 minutes, 20 minutes. But don’t overdo it. Don’t go for 45 minutes because there’s no point.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Just gradually.


And it can actually hurt you. But the point is go gradual [crosstalk 00:00:06:01]. And if you can maintain one 10 minute session a day, you’re on the right track.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

And once I get so I can maintain 10 minutes a day, would there be additional benefit if I did 10 minutes twice a day? Does time of day seem to matter?


Yeah, you can definitely increase to twice a day. Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Is it smarter to do it two 10 minute sessions in the morning or is there any more benefit to do 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening?


Yeah, I suggest spreading it apart because again, it goes back, the vibration is very intense on your nervous system. So we don’t know yet, there aren’t enough users out there, but from the research that we have is that too much is not good. So it’s better to space it out. I’m not saying you’re going to get hurt by doing one session, but it’s better to space it out.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Okay. And what kind of results have you seen?


Oh my gosh, everything [crosstalk 00:07:00].

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Tell us more.


I mean, we have thousands and thousands of reviews from all different types of results. I mean, it’s endless.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

And now, what type of diagnoses or symptoms are people reporting being benefited by, using your devices?


Yeah. So people with edemas, circulation issues all various stages, [crosstalk 00:07:28].

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Let’s talk about edema. Are we talking about lymphedema, so if someone has breast cancer, is there something that I could do with this device for breast cancer?


Right. So I’m not sure a specific, is that related to the lymphedema?

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Lymphedema, right. So lymphedema in my arms, would I be like kneeling on my knees and putting my arms on the device?


Yeah, you can do that, or can just stand on it and it will help.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Just stand on it, and that would help?


Yeah, yeah, sure.

Dr. Terry Wahls:



But yeah, you can definitely get into. But many people can handle putting their hands because it’s so close to your head that it vibrates the head. So it’s uncomfortable. But yeah, [crosstalk 00:08:08] you can stand.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Excellent. And if I had lymphedema, my legs just standing on it again would be helpful?


Yeah, sure. Just did a seminar the other day and the doctors were saying that they’ve seen amazing results with vibration and lymphedema. Yeah.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

How about back pain, hip pain, knee pain? Is that helped by your device?


Yeah, absolutely. Incredible. So it doesn’t, I can’t say it for everybody, but I can say, I would say 95% of the people that purchased that machine for back pain or knee pain that have provided you know, other feedback. So different modes, so if you’re in chronic pain, then do the polarization mode, that eliminates the signals that your brain is from pain. So it calms you down.

And then another, sometimes pain can be related to circulation and tightness. So the oscillation, because it shakes up your leg muscles and your hip muscles, it can loosen any tension that you have in your lower back. So sometimes back pain is not a real condition. It can be so many underlying reasons why you have that-

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Many factors. Now I know some of your devices have preset programs program one, two and three. What’s the advantage of those preset programs? What do they do for you?


Very good question. So there’s two ways, how I utilize them and I suggest to utilize is, one is as a quick way to work out. So some people don’t have the time to do 10 minutes a day, even though it sounds interesting, but the point is that if somebody doesn’t have the time to invest and they just jump on three times a week.

So this takes you through the different modes. So you get a benefit from each and a quick, you don’t have time to invest.

Typically you want to invest like 10 minutes a day on one goal. Like right now I’m focusing on balance for 10 minutes a day. But some people don’t have that time to do that. So they’re just hopping on and getting a little of everything. Second reason you would use it is because those that do have the time to do focus work outs and whatever they need to accomplish, the auto modes will shake it up because your body adapts to a certain form of training. So you always got to keep the muscles guessing.

Dr. Terry Wahls:



So that auto mode, since it takes you through all the different modes and without you controlling it, [crosstalk 00:10:26].

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Amplify the gains more.



Dr. Terry Wahls:

Excellent. Excellent.

If people want to order this, how would they get a device? Can they just go to a store and buy these things, or where does one find your device?


That’s a great question. So right now the best way is to go to our website. And if you, I’m actually going to make a code now while on the call it’s Terry Wahls, T-E-R-R-Y W-A-H-L-S. Will be 15% off any of our machines on our website.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Excellent. And your website, why don’t you give us the name of your website in case people are listening to this?


It’s the life pro fitness dot com.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

So let’s say one of our warriors has purchased equipment, they’re pleased. Do they have any kind of support in terms of exercise planning, or guidance. Or do I just take it out of the box and use it? What’s…


Very good. So the general concept of whole body vibration training is just standing on it. You don’t have to do a special form of exercise. But we do include some exercises and manuals, and we have more content coming. You know, every, tonight 7:00 PM is going to be content around the vibration training. So you know, it’s worth trying to be the company that’s trying to support users in every way that we can help enhance.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

So you guys do have more information on your website? I looked at [inaudible 00:12:00] that you have a variety of educational demonstration videos on your website.

So I again, to the tribe, that is so helpful, the device, and I used the vibration plates for a long time just standing on them, but when you couple it with some basic exercises that you can do standing on the plate, you’ll get much more.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

The research is continuing to absolutely grow. I am thrilled to have you guys partnering with us. I think this is a very valuable,  tool to help people exercise more effectively and more safely. I think it’s a terrific tool to lower the risk of fall, a terrific tool to improve strength, to improve balance. And this is very, very affordable. So I’m very, very, very pleased.


Yes. Thank you.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Is there anything else that we’ve not covered, Joel, that you think my tribe should know about?


I think I have covered everything. I’m sure if you have anything to share how it helps with MS because you’re experienced in this field.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

It’s interesting. When I first got into vibration plate therapy, I had been, decreasing the amount of e-stim that I was doing on my muscles, and so I did not need as much e-stim when I added the exercise on top of the vibration platform.



Dr. Terry Wahls:

And I was speaking with our rehab scientist, and they were telling me that that was what they were observing as well, that the addition of vibration plate therapy was a very, very powerful adjunct in the rehabilitation of patients.



Dr. Terry Wahls:

So they’re very excited about it. It got me very interested in vibration plate therapy. So I’ve been following that research now for over 10 years.

I think it’s easy for people to implement. I’m really glad to see that we have companies like yourself to make this more accessible and more affordable. And that you have some basic support that you’re able to provide to your customers as well.


Yes, absolutely, it is my pleasure.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

And in the corner, let’s see, I can.


Ah, there it is!

Dr. Terry Wahls:

There it is!

So that’s part of my workout in the morning. So a couple of days a week, I’m swimming. Otherwise I’m doing my vibration plate workout and I’ll do 20 to 40 minutes every day now.

But you know, I’ve been doing this for a long time. I like it a lot. I love including the vibration platform in the workout.

And I have a complicated workout process I go through, I do the electrical stimulation of my muscles. I do my vibration platform, I do swimming, and I do walking, biking. I think the more diversity that we have in our activity levels, the better. But yeah, adding the vibration plate is a wonderful place for you to start.

So I’d certainly encourage anyone who has back pain, knee, hip pain, MS, chronic health challenges, to consider looking at vibration plate [crosstalk 00:15:46].

Joel: Absolutely.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

It’s a great adjunct.  Joel, let me give you a virtual hug for all of your work. Thank you.


Thank you so much Terry for your work, I’m very honored to be on a call with you because I’ve seen, I’m marching on the back end of how much impact you’re creating around the world. So it’s my honor.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Why thank you Joel.


Got it. Stay safe.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

And you stay safe as well.

joellifeproJoel Gottehrer, Co-Founder of Lifepro Fitness

Joel Gottehrer is the Co-Founder of Lifepro Fitness. He and his Co-Founder, Abraham Brach, founded Lifepro together after they both suffered from physical injuries. After failing to find any promised relief from current products on the market — Lifepro Fitness was born. 

Joel is very passionate about helping people find ways to transform their lives. Over the past 12 years, he has helped to transform thousands of lives as a personal trainer and owner of two personal training studios. He currently oversees all product development and customer service of Lifepro products and is on a mission to further grow the impact on millions of lives with the Lifepro brand. 

In his down time, you’ll find him playing basketball, spending time with his family and reading a good book!