Wahls Team - July 29, 2019

BodyBio is a nutritional supplement company that is relentlessly focused on the pursuit of health at the cellular level. BodyBio products stand out from many of the vitamins and supplements on the market because our products were originally created for those with complex disorders over 25 years ago. The founders of BodyBio are leading researchers in the field of complex metabolic disorders, fatty acid analysis, neurodegenerative diseases.

We are committed to the relentless pursuit of science and research around cellular health to improve lives and address disease with exceptional products. Our products are developed with the utmost concern to be the purest, non-oxidized, high-quality supplements on the market. BodyBio products are founded on “cell membrane medicine” – an investigation into real-world science, not fictional promises. We stand steadfast behind the quality of our products, and believe in the ability of our products to improve lives one cell at a time.

Click here to use promo code “Wahls23” at checkout for a 20% Discount!

Corporate Website: www.bodybio.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BodyBio/

Instagram @BodyBio: https://www.instagram.com/bodybio/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/bodybio

ABOUT Jessica Kane, Head of Marketing, BodyBio

img_2791-300x300 BodyBio has been a part of my life as far as I can remember. My grandfather, Ed Kane, founded BodyBio when I was a child and his food and lifestyle choices had a huge impact on the entire family. We grew up avoiding sugar, eating organic produce, and avoiding pesticides. When I was 20 years old I suffered from debilitating digestive problems and went under the care of allopathic doctors, trying everything from a restrictive diet to endless testing, nothing helped. I decided to sit down with my grandfather for answers. I started a daily supplementation of vitamins, digestive enzymes, and BodyBio Phosphatidylcholine, and noticed almost immediately healing and resolution. It was this experience that helped me fully understand the potential that vitamins and supplements can have on our health and it changed my life. I’m grateful for the healing I experienced and after a successful career in the art world, decided to leave and begin work at BodyBio with the goal of spreading the word and promoting health. 

BodyBio has been trusted by physicians for over 25 years. The company was developed out of targeted blood chemistry analysis and epigenetic testing –  investigating some of the most complex disorders in the world. The findings from that research led my Grandfather to create a very specific line of supplements to address cellular health. I have been a part of BodyBio for the last two years and am leading the marketing team in helping my Grandfather bring his research and findings to everyone, not just doctors. In two years, I have spearheaded the rebrand of BodyBio, our new website, and focused our marketing on how we can help educate those seeking better health with our vast knowledge on “cell membrane medicine” – a true understanding of how health at the cellular level is directly correlated to our health.  

I am constantly amazed at the lives I’ve seen changed – from micropeemies to seniors — and am committed to the improvement of health at the cellular level for all.