Wahls Team - December 2, 2020

Last year I put a stake in the ground and announced:

I want to heal millions of people by changing the standard of care in conventional medicine by bringing proven, science-based solutions to those who are suffering from some form of autoimmune disfunction.”

My dream of creating an epidemic of health and helping address chronic inflammation and chronic disease is more critical than ever.

With the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic sweeping the world, many patients are left with lingering symptoms of excess inflammation and symptoms, sometimes for months.

I have more patients contacting us asking for assistance from me and my team.

But the truth is, I cannot do this alone.

I cannot achieve my goal to heal millions of people of autoimmune dysfunction and or chronic inflammation without an army of health professionals to help me carry the torch and spread the news of what we have discovered through my own story, my years of research, and my clinical work with patients.

It was this truth – that I cannot do it alone – that inspired a new vision for myself and my team … to take our existing certification program, which has certified hundreds of health professionals in the Wahls Protocol®, to the next level.

We have created the virtual Wahls Protocol® Certification Program, one of the most respected and effective certification programs of its kind.

The Wahls Academy has the latest research-based discoveries, bonus virtual live-taught case studies, and an interactive learning experience that makes getting certified virtually, simple and efficient. You can do the training from anywhere in the world!

  • Our Certified Practitioner Resource Center where health professionals can teaching tools, instruction guides, and checklists to help their patients change their health behaviors with the Wahls Protocol®.
  • My revised and expanded book, The Wahls Protocol®, which serves as a convenient “how-to” Guide for patients and health practitioners alike
  • A cookbook that enables patients to simply and cost-effectively transform their health by embracing one of the Wahls’ diet plans.
  • A user-friendly online directory where thousands of individuals go every week to locate a Certified Practitioner to guide them in the Wahls Protocol® methodology.

While this is all very exciting, my team and I wanted to do something that no other Certification program currently offers…

  • We have created the online consumer program, the “Autoimmune Intervention Mastery.” It’s designed to walk your patients through a carefully curated 5-week experience where they will embrace the diet and lifestyle changes proven to accelerate their health and healing.

What is perhaps the most exciting part of this project, is that those Certified in the Wahls Protocol® will be eligible to use this state-of-the-art, online consumer program to work privately with patients either one-on-one or in groups.

To help our Practitioners market and sell this program, we will also be providing guidance and beautifully branded marketing materials to position themselves as qualified and highly sought experts on the rapidly growing autoimmune epidemic.

So there you have it… our plan to bring together thousands of health practitioners around the world to help us achieve our vision of healing the millions of people who are suffering from autoimmune disfunction.

My Question To You…

  • Will you join us in this fight against the ever-present, rapidly growing autoimmune epidemic?
  • Will you take the step to educate yourself on the latest science-based discoveries to better serve your patients?
  • Will you say yes to benefit from being a part of our 2020 campaign to raise awareness through the launch of my new book and the Autoimmune Mastery Course?
  • Will you say yes to new clients who are seeking the support to transform their health through the life-changing principles of The Wahls Protocol®

If yes, click here to apply for certification.

Need more information? Click here to learn more about virtual certification.

Winter 2021 term begins on January 1, apply today to start the new year with new skills to improve patient outcomes!