Wahls Team - December 16, 2022

Trending over the last 2 years: A home-based self-care setup

When the world locked down in 2020, an interesting shift in fitness and self-care took place. We realized that we can turn our homes into personalized wellness centers! Lifepro Fitness has been leading the charge in helping wellness-conscious people find affordable solutions to furnishing a comfortable, customized home-base for self-care!

In this interview with Joel Gottehrer, Co-Founder of Lifepro Fitness, we talk about the affordable tools they have developed to help manage your disability or support recovery and overall wellness.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Lifepro Fitness is a Wahls Protocol® Sponsor and their vibration platform is a device I have used for several years now. Please consult with your care team before adding to your healthcare routine.

Read the transcript below:

Dr. Terry Wahls:

This is Dr. Terry Wahls. I’m here with Joel Gottehrer, who is the co-founder of Lifepro. He has his own remarkable healing story where he first discovered the wonderful power of vibration therapy to recover from an athletic injury much more quickly.

Now, since that time, he and his partner have further developed Lifepro into a wide variety of health and wellness techniques. And we’re going to be talk about some of those devices, and that’s really been a very instrumental part of my therapy.

Now, I do want to remind everyone that Joel is a seminar sponsor, and I love doing these interviews because that gives me the opportunity to let you learn more about the devices in the therapies that I’m using in my own healing journey. So, welcome, Joel.

Joel Gottehrer:

Hi. Hi. Thank you.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

So tell us a little bit more about the vibration plate. Not everyone understands the difference between the various vibration plates that are out there, some are this triplanar up and down, some are oscillating. Tell us more about your device and what are the unique advantages for the devices that you’ve created?

Joel Gottehrer:

Yeah, sure. So oscillation is the fundamental movements of these machines. It’s the most researched, most natural way, because that’s the way we walk, right? It imitates how we walk shifting our weight from side to side and with much less impact. So it allows a lot of people to have use of it because it’s not so intense on the body.

This style of movement brings a lot of functional improvements in a single session. If someone can jump on it, they’ll immediately feel an improved balance and stability very quickly. You don’t have to work, after six months see the benefits. You can see it immediately.

Overall, there are a lot of debates, which are the best type of movement? There’s several different types of vibration technology out there, but we’re proud to say, which we reached our mission. We had initial mission of impacting a million lives when we started our brand. So August 15, we hit our goal.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Oh, excellent.

Joel Gottehrer:

Yes. So why am I saying that? Because we have sold close to a million machines, meaning it’s not only… We have a million customers, but they not necessarily all bought our vibration training. So I’m saying nearly a million.

And we have released many different styles of vibration technologies. And basically, based on the feedback that we received from all our customers, we noticed a very common denominator that oscillation is the preferred movement, it’s much easier to use. So that’s the main type of movement that we have, vibration.

Then we have pulsation, which is designed to be a little more calmer and for those that feel the oscillation is too intense. And then we have the horizontal movement, which is designed to challenge your balance even more than oscillation. So the three types of vibrations that we offer.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

And again, for everyone who’s listening, this is a device that I personally use. As we age, our position sense declines, our balance declines, and so training for my balance is really important.

Also, because I have osteopenia as a result of all of those years of frequent steroid use, I’m very concerned about my bone density. And this is a terrific way to increase bone density.

In fact, my treating medical team is like, “You’re in your sixties, but your bone density keeps getting a little better every year.” And next week I’ll be going to get another bone density. I’m looking forward to seeing what we’re going to be up to next Monday.

Joel Gottehrer:

Beautiful, beautiful. I’m very excited. I’m very excited.

Dr. Terry Wahls:


Joel Gottehrer:

Do share.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Yeah, and I just think it’s really a gentle way to get some balance and strength training. I’m careful to do pushups on it, to do planks on it, so I’m stimulating my arms. And of course, standing and doing my standing exercises, including squats, lunges and bridges, so.

Joel Gottehrer:

Right. Right. Yeah. So the plate is like an environment that you’re on, right? So you’re doing the same exercises. It’s not like you have to do a separate workout. It can be integrated in your typical workout exercise session. So with these, it stimulates your muscles, your tendons, improves circulation, so everything is easier and quicker.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

And do I have to worry about where I locate this in my home, Joel? Can I put this anywhere? Does it have to be in my basement or do we have any limitations there?

Joel Gottehrer:

That’s a very, very good question. But in general, we’ve very rarely heard of any issues that it vibrates the home. It’s a very safe machine. There’s no issue. Sometimes if, depending how the home is built, you might sense the vibration, you may feel the vibrations through the floor, but doesn’t any damage if that’s the question. It doesn’t matter where, no.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Yeah. Now, there are other vibration technologies that are much more challenging to foundations. And those more vigorous triplanar technologies do have different requirements than the oscillating type that Joel just described.

Joel Gottehrer:

Right. Right. Right.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

So. And again, that’s one of the reasons why I prefer the device that Joel has. It’s safer for my home and it’s safer for me. Now, in addition, there’s a couple more things that, you didn’t have them on your list, but I’ve gotten from you that I really like that, the circle, the circular half dome thing that I can step on, step over. And it’s a very nice core-strengthening routine and balance training routine.

Joel Gottehrer:

The Horizon Balance Ball?

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Yes. Yeah.

Joel Gottehrer:

Yes, yes, yes. That is another way, another tool you can use that can stimulate and challenge your balance, improve. Especially as we age, right? We want to make sure we stay stimulated and make sure we maintain our balance. So yeah, that’s great. Awesome. I didn’t even know you got it.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Yeah, I got that. And then my physical therapist told me that I needed to use some exercise bands and wanted me to progress from the red, blue and get up to black bands for that side walking.

Joel Gottehrer:

Right. [inaudible 00:07:21] walking.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Yeah. And again, those are really lovely bands that you guys have that help support your gluteus maximus, medius and minimus, so I appreciate those.

Joel Gottehrer:


Dr. Terry Wahls:

And then Joel, you’ve gotten into some new very exciting technologies with light therapy. And so let’s talk about light.

Joel Gottehrer:

Yeah. It’s been a very, very exciting year. A lot of new tools that we’re working on to help our members reach their health goals. Light therapy has a very long history, and we’ve been able to bring the benefits shown in research to our community with our light therapy products.

So the light therapy offers a new way to heal and restore anything from skin surface conditions to aches and pains. A lot of our members are utilizing both technology together to maximize their session time, right? So they’ll have the light therapy turned on while they’re doing the whole body vibration.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Yeah. So everyone who’s listening to us, there’s more recognition that certain wavelengths of light, as they hit our skin, will penetrate the skin, and in so doing, to activate the mitochondria. And the mitochondrial chain, when it becomes more efficient, can run the chemistry of life more efficiently. And so red light therapy has been used for pain management for decades. It’s also been used by the dermatologists for treating a wide variety of skin disorders.

Joel Gottehrer:

Right. Right.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Now, how are your people using the light therapy, Joel?

Joel Gottehrer:

Very good. Very good. So I want to just explain a little more about red and infrared. Those are the two types of light therapies that we offer currently. We have more coming in the pipeline.

So one, number one is, a lot of people ask is do we have UV present in our light therapy? So we do not have ultraviolet light, which we know is harmful for us, so we do not have that. So there’s no risk of damaging your skin, any delicate skin that you may have.

So what I want to talk about is there are three… Red light therapy is referred to low-level laser therapy in studies, low-power laser therapy, or some may know it as photobiomodulation therapy. So whenever you look at research studies, they refer to different type, but all the same, essentially it’s the same thing.

So right now we have red light. Red light is ideal for skin surface applications, right? Skin is our largest organ. So with red light, it addresses any skin surface conditions and can accelerate any wounds that you may have or any type of skin conditions.

Then there is infrared light therapy, which is invisible. Now, as strangers, it may seem that a lot of customers order our red light therapies, and we have a combination in the devices. Some LEDs, LEDs are infrared, some are red light. So, many customers, they complain, “Hey, it’s not working. It doesn’t turn on.”

So I want to clarify, the infrared is not visible to the human eye. It’s not something that you see. You just feel the warmth. The only way I’ve noticed you can see it is if you use your phone camera and you point at the infrared lights, the one that look invisible, you’ll see through the camera lens, that is you’ll see a little redness, you’ll see that it’s turned on. That’s the only way to know if it’s working or not. So I just wanted to bring it up because a lot of people get confused and don’t understand.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Yeah, get confused.

Joel Gottehrer:


Dr. Terry Wahls:

I’ve been confused with some of those devices from time to time.

Joel Gottehrer:

Right. So-

Dr. Terry Wahls:

And so for what kind of things would I be using your red light? So pain, some discomfort?

Joel Gottehrer:

Right. Right. So infrared would be used for below the skin surface, for achy muscles, help repair tissue damage, it helps you speed up recovery, helps you manage stress and tension. That would be the infrared. The red light is more skin surface conditions. That’s when you would use either or. Usually our devices are combined, but just so people understand the differences between the two, when to use what.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

So I’m thinking if you’ve got a skin rash, if you have sort of acne, if you have some more peeling on your skin, this might be a-

Joel Gottehrer:


Dr. Terry Wahls:

… good thing?

Joel Gottehrer:


Dr. Terry Wahls:

Okay. Now, let get me vain here. I’m 66. I’d like to keep looking great for another 10, 20, 30 years. Is the red light going to youthen me, going to make me continue to look great? What’s the thing on aging there?

Joel Gottehrer:

Very good, yes. So you would use red light therapy. So first of all, you look great. I don’t know why you even think you need anything, but let’s say you’re convinced yourself that you need to use a tool. Yeah, red light therapy would definitely be a great tool to use that would definitely help keep your skin healthy and young.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Okay. Excellent. And how long would these light sessions be, Joel?

Joel Gottehrer:

That’s very good question. So it depends on your results in general, but usually two to three minutes at a time. You can do it multiple times a day. And I wouldn’t do… As usual, you have people that try to overdo it. Don’t do two hours. Just do small, short sessions, do multiple sessions that are more beneficial than doing a longer session.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Okay. Now, have you been observing that people are doing more of the self-care, do-it-yourself approaches to their wellness plans?

Joel Gottehrer:

Yeah, for sure. The last few years have been very interesting times as we say, and it has caused us, what we have seen, especially in our business, we have seen that many customers or many home users, so to say, meaning it’s not so commercialized, they have been emphasizing in self-care. Because we were home for two years, people were forced, and all the businesses were closed outside, so they were forced to find tools and different concepts to maintain their self-care, right?

So it’s been an extremely trending market so to say, whereas you sell therapies, trying to find different red light therapy to do at home, to do whole body vibration at home. So people started paying attention to their health much more than ever. That’s just how I am seeing.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

It certainly matches my observation as well, Joel, that people are more tuned into that what we do for a health is vitally important in that we’re really appreciating being able to do more of these technologies at home.

Now, you have been very entrepreneurial in your health and wellness journey. I’m sure you have some interesting things that you’re working on. What’s on the horizon for you?

Joel Gottehrer:

That’s a good question. We have a lot happening and the way we… Right now we are focusing on the sauna, the infrared sauna, the far infrared sauna. So that’s our next category, so to say, to offer to our customers. Our customers are asking for more ways to improve their health and wellness.

And the way we develop all our product, we never release a product just because I think it’s a good product. It’s always about listening to our customers and hearing what they want, what they wish for, and that’s how we develop future products.

So we try to match it, right? If someone says, “Hey, make a pair of socks,” we’re not going to do that. But it is more about what else can we bring that would enhance our customers, their wellbeing? That’s ultimately what it is.

That’s why we have, if you look at the red light therapy category that we have built out, we have a small red light bulb they can use on the go. If you want to target a larger part of your body, you have the BioHeal. If you want to wrap it around your lower back or your neck, we have the [inaudible 00:15:37] Red. So we have a multiple variety of different tools to try to accommodate different use cases. But we’re very excited. We really are excited for the upcoming year.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Joel, let me pitch an idea for you to think about, a cold plunge.

Joel Gottehrer:


Dr. Terry Wahls:

I think more people are aware of the benefits of cold showers, ice baths, cold plunges. I think a cold plunge tank would be a really wonderful innovation, and I’m hoping that there’ll be a future conversation that you and I get to have that also includes a cold plunge.

Joel Gottehrer:

Right there. Definitely. I’m not supposed to be talking about that, but we’re definitely trying to work on something super affordable and portable to be able to do cold plunges.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Ooh, that sounds exciting.

Joel Gottehrer:

Yeah. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Oh, wow. I look forward to [inaudible 00:16:34].

Joel Gottehrer:

That’s probably will be I’m guessing mid ’22, ’23. June-ish.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Okay. Okay. Well, that sounds very exciting. Joel, it is so much fun chatting with you. I love the collaborations that we have, and I love my vibration plate. I certainly think that has been a very big part of why instead of having my bones get more and more fragile, they’re getting stronger and more vital, and it’s certainly part of how I maintain my strength and my balance, so.

Joel Gottehrer:

Right, right. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah, sure. If there’s anything I can do for your community, maybe we should develop an MS program together with whole body vibration. I don’t know. I mean, I’m just throwing things out there.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Yeah, it’s certainly something for us to think about. We will think about this, brainstorm together. Maybe there is a little pilot study where we are using vibration therapy devices in the home with folks with more advanced MS that are really struggling to exercise. That could be a very exciting little pilot study.

Joel Gottehrer:

Yeah, sure. I’d be very excited to participate.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Okay. Well, we should wrap this up.

Joel Gottehrer:


Dr. Terry Wahls:

It is wonderful chatting, wonderful visualizing this great healing journey for our tribe, and I’m thrilled to have you as a partner, Joel.

Joel Gottehrer, Co-Founder of Lifepro Fitness

Joel Gottehrer, Co-Founder of Lifepro Fitness

Joel Gottehrer is the Co-Founder of Lifepro Fitness. He and his Co-Founder, Abraham Brach, founded Lifepro together after they both suffered from physical injuries. After failing to find any promised relief from current products on the market — Lifepro Fitness was born.

Joel is very passionate about helping people find ways to transform their lives. Over the past 12 years, he has helped to transform thousands of lives as a personal trainer and owner of two personal training studios. He currently oversees all product development and customer service of Lifepro products and is on a mission to further grow the impact on millions of lives with the Lifepro brand.

In his down time, you’ll find him playing basketball, spending time with his family and reading a good book!