Exploring the Lifelong Advantages of Maintaining Healthy Testosterone Levels in Both Sexes
Maintaining muscle mass is very important for healthy aging. A good muscle mass reduces the risk of frailty and the risk of needing assisted living/nursing home care. I want you to care deeply about the size of your muscles! Do some strength training. Make sure you have sufficient protein. Ask if you have sufficient levels of testosterone which is a key hormone that directs our cells to maintain muscle mass. Women also need to have some testosterone too (though not as much as men).
As men pass the age of 40, they experience declining testosterone levels. Low testosterone levels lead to decline in libido, erectile dysfunction, less strength, less energy, loss of muscle mass, loss of bone mineral density, more irritability, and decline in mental clarity. [1-4] Although women have lower levels than men, testosterone is made in the ovaries and adrenals in women. Testosterone levels are associated with sexual responsiveness and libido in women.[5] Declining testosterone occurs in both men and women over the age of 40. Improving testosterone levels in men and in women can be a useful intervention to achieve healthier aging.
There are two compounds that are very supportive to maintaining healthy testosterone levels as we age: Shilajit and Eurycoma longifolia root (Maslaysian ginseng). We have some research that explains how they help support better hormone levels, more muscle mass, and better strength in men and in women.
Shilajit is a naturally occurring, mineral-rich phytocomplex in the Himalayas. It includes mineral-rich rock humus, marine microorganisms, and microbial metabolites.[6] Shilajit has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to address chronic fatigue. In the animal models of chronic fatigue shilajit reduced the fatigue in rats and modulated the hypothalamic, pituitary, adrenal axis favorably.[7] Shilajit is used by weight lifter to promote more gains in muscle mass and strength, better recovery and performance.[8] Multiple studies have demonstrated that shilajit is well tolerated and has a positive impact on blood lipids, lowers inflammation-producing cytokines, reduces oxidative stress, and improves spermatogenesis (production of sperm).[9] In addition, studies have shown shilajit use was associated with improved performance and reduced fatigue.[9] Fulvic acid, a component of shilajit blocks the formation of tau proteins that are a contributing factor in cognitive decline, suggesting the shilajit may support cognition.[10]
In a trial in the setting of men with infertility and poor sperm quality, shilajit use was associated with improved sperm production, improved semen quality, improved testosterone, and pituitary hormone levels.[11] In a study of obese men and women to investigate the effect shilajit use on changing skeletal muscle, both men and women received shilajit and tolerated it well. There was evidence that shilajit use led to increased activation of the genes that regulate muscle repair, muscle growth, and the synthesis of collagens and other muscle proteins [12]
Eurycoma longifolia root (Maslaysian ginseng) is a traditional herb that has been used in Southeast Asia as a tonic to support healthier libido, energy, and athletic performance. This herb activates the CYP-17 enzyme which plays a key role in the production of cholesterol-based hormones, including testosterone and other androgen and adrenal hormones. LJ100 is a root extract of Eurycoma longifolia. In a prospective study of men (n=13) and women (n=12) aged 57-72 who took the extract for 5 weeks. Hormone levels and hand grip strength were assessed at baseline and end of the study. Treatment resulted in significant increases in total testosterone , free testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in both men and women. In addition, both men and women experienced significant gains in muscle strength.[13]
In summary, declined hormone production occurs in both men and women as age. This begins for men and women at age 40. The loss of testosterone has many negative impacts on strength, muscle mass, and sexual performance for men. In addition, loss of testosterone has negative impacts on mood, thinking, metabolism and bone health for men. Loss of testosterone has a negative impact on libido and sexual desire for women, and may also have negative impacts on bone health, metabolism, and mood for women. Numerous studies have demonstrated that both men and women may benefit from a shilajit and eurycoma longifolia root supplement to support healthier testosterone levels.
The Wahls Protocol® Line of Supplements offers Andro Testo Boost as the recommended supplement for both men and women to balance healthy hormone levels.
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