stressed woman holding head while working on laptop
Wahls Team - September 23, 2024

Stress can wreak havoc on your health. Chronic stress can cause digestive issues, sleep disturbances, weakened immune system, and worsened health conditions. If you want to reduce the effects of stress on your health, it’s important to find healthy ways to manage your stress. Here’s a list of some of the most effective ways to manage stress:

1. Stay Physically Active

Exercise is great for all areas of your physical and mental health. People who are physically active tend to feel less anxious and more positive about themselves. When your body feels good, your mind often will as well. Additionally, exercise stimulates the release of a number of hormones such as endorphins and endocannabinoids, which help improve sleep, block pain, and sedate you. This leads to a relaxed mind and body. To manage stress, try aerobic exercises like running, cycling, swimming, or dancing. If you don’t have time for a full workout, try to find ways to move your body throughout the day.

2. Get Enough Sleep

woman sleeping in bed

Stress often leads to a lack of sleep. You may lie awake at night worrying about stressors like work, finances, or relationship troubles, or your body may struggle to relax after experiencing high levels of stress hormones. A lack of sleep can also add to your stress levels, creating a vicious circle of sleeplessness and stress. If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep, there are some sleep strategies you can try such as turning off screens before bedtime, developing a calming evening routine, and taking melatonin supplements.

3. Limit Social Media Use

A great way to help you manage stress is to limit time spent on social media. Social media can be a great tool for staying connected with long-distance friends and family, but it can also be a source of negativity and stress. Spending too much time on social media can also lead to feelings of comparison and low self-esteem. Additionally, many people use social media at night, which can worsen sleep due to blue light from screens and increased stress at the time when you should be unwinding. Consider turning off social media notifications or deleting these apps from your phone to limit usage.

4. Spend Time Outside

young woman sitting in grass

Spending too much time indoors at home or at work can magnify your stress levels. If you want to better manage stress, try to spend more time outside. This can boost your mood and enhance your overall well-being. You may also notice that you feel more recharged and have more creativity. Plus, sunshine provides your body with vitamin D, which has been found to help with symptoms of anxiety and depression. Find ways to get outdoors, whether you take a stroll around your neighborhood, go for a hike, or simply sit in your backyard.

5. Connect with People

When you’re dealing with a lot of stress, it can be easy to isolate yourself and try to get through it on your own. However, human beings are social creatures who aren’t meant to be isolated. Find time for social interaction with a friend or family member who you trust and who will listen to you. Talking about your stressors can help put your mind at ease. When you connect with people, your body also releases a hormone that stops the fight-or-flight stress response so you can finally relax.

6. Make Time for Hobbies

hand putting together jigsaw puzzle

One of the most effective ways to manage stress is to set aside time for hobbies that you enjoy. Aim to do at least one thing every day that makes you feel good. This will help relieve your stress. You don’t have to carve out a large amount of time, either. Just 15 to 20 minutes of an activity that you enjoy will do the trick. Relaxing hobbies may include things like reading, drawing, doing puzzles, knitting, playing board games, cooking, or watching a movie.

7. Try Supplements for Stress Relief

Your body and mind may benefit from some nutritional help to manage stress. For example, ashwagandha extract has been found to support healthy cortisol and DHEA levels to regulate your body’s stress response. It may also help enhance cognitive capacity and memory. L-theanine is another helpful nutrient for stress management. It has been found to naturally stimulate certain brain waves that are associated with an alert but relaxed mental state. It can also help improve the quality of sleep.

CortiStress Relief is a comprehensive stress relief supplement that can help your body resist and recover from the effects of stress. It contains both ashwagandha and L-theanine as well as other helpful natural ingredients. The components of this formula have been shown to support healthy cortisol levels, promote mental clarity, support relaxation and restful sleep, and help alleviate occasional fatigue.