Wahls Team - April 10, 2020

Alpha-Stim® is a Wahls Protocol Sponsor and offers handheld, prescription medical device that is FDA cleared to treat acute, post-traumatic, and chronic pain, along with anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Proven fast, safe and effective by more than 100 clinical trials over 37 years. Try it free at our booth at the conference or view studies at

Read the interview transcript here:

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Dr. Briley, welcome. I am so glad that you’re here, that you’re part of the seminar and I’m so glad that we have Alpha-Stim joining us this year. I’ve been using Alpha-Stim myself for some time and I’ve certainly found it to be a game changer for anxiety issues, mood issues for my patients. It’s great for pain. So let’s talk a little bit about Alpha-Stim.

Josh Briley:

All right, well thank you. I’m excited to be here and to talk about this, so this is great.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

So what is Alpha-Stim and how does it work?

Josh Briley:

Alpha-Stim is a microcurrent brain stimulator. So what it does is put just a very small electric current with a broad spectrum frequency into the brain and nervous system. And in doing so, it’s increasing the alpha waves throughout the entire brain and decreasing the Delta waves in the frontal lobe, which leaves you feeling relaxed but alert and kind of just like you’ve had a really good night’s sleep.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

And, do you have any research with this?

Josh Briley:

Oh, yes. We have more research than any other similar device on the market. We have over 150 published clinical studies going back since 1983.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Okay, a long time. And, how long do people use it?

Josh Briley:

A single session can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. In certain situations such as migraines, it may take longer, but most people feel an effect right away.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Is this something that people could take with medication if they’re having issues with their migraines or with their mood?

Josh Briley:

Yes. Alpha-Stim works very well as a standalone therapy for anxiety, insomnia, depression, or pain, but it can also be used in conjunction with more traditional therapies including medications. In fact, medications are usually made a little more effective by using Alpha-Stim.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Now, pain is also a very common issue for people with MS and with many of the serious autoimmune conditions. Can we talk just a little bit more about how this impacts pain?

Josh Briley:

Yes. Actually, we have two devices, the Alpha-Stim Aid, which only has the ear clips and it treats the brain directly and it treats pain by balancing the pain processing centers in the brain. We also have the Alpha-Stim M, which has the ear clips but also has probes or little patches that we call AS-trodes. They can treat the peripheral pain more directly, and then you always follow up with the ear clips to treat the brain as well. But what we’re doing with either approach is balancing the nervous system. So instead of sending overactive pain signals throughout the body, it calms the nervous system down and normalizes the signals that are being sent so that you can get pain relief for hours. And the longer you use it, the longer the effects last.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Okay. Excellent. Excellent. And is this something that people would use once or twice and then your brain’s reset and you’re sort of done or what’s the usual pattern there?

Josh Briley:

Everybody responds a little differently. For something such as MS or other autoimmune disorders, it probably is something that will need to be used regularly, but the effects will last longer and longer with every use. So instead of being every day or two or three times a day, it may be every couple of days unless you’re having a flare up and then you would treat more frequently.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Okay, excellent, excellent. And any issues with the age of the individuals? Do we have to use it less if you’re really old or less, if you’re really, really young? What’s the guidance there?

Josh Briley:

Basically, as long as you’re breathing, you can use it.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

As long as you’re breathing. So does that mean if someone has a dog that’s anxious because anxiety has become a thing in the veterinary world?

Josh Briley:

Yes. Actually, we have actually a dog study going on right now and we have some animal studies with Alpha-Stim. In fact, there’s a website, that talks about using this with dogs, cats, horses, all sorts of animals.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Wild, wild. Okay. So you’re going to be at our summer and will you be having devices there that people can try out.

Josh Briley:

Yes. We bring the devices and we’ll do demos both with the probes and the ear clips at the seminar.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Excellent. And people listening to this, my tribe listening to Alpha-Stim and they want to check out Alpha-Stim or get one, what does that process look like?

Josh Briley:

You do need a doctor’s order in the United States to obtain one. In other countries they’re over-the-counter. But in the United States and you need a doctor’s order because they do work with the nervous system. So, talk to your doctor. The patient may have to show the doctor the website, tell them a little bit about it. We have a rep that can go out and talk to the doctor and do demos if necessary.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

So you could go to the website and get information about how to obtain it given the country?

Josh Briley:


Dr. Terry Wahls:

Because we have people coming to our seminar and to my website from all over the globe, so we will direct them to your website and then they can investigate how to proceed given their locality.

Josh Briley:

Perfect. And the website also has links to all of the research, users’ manuals, videos, brochures, everything you need to know how to use it.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Now, Josh could you tell us verbally with the website is again?

Josh Briley:

It’s www.alpha-stim.come.

Dr. Terry Wahls:

Okay, perfect. Well, Josh, thank you so much. We are thrilled to have you come partner with us and I think this is a wonderful addition for all those Wahls Warriors looking for some additional tools to help them calm their nervous system.

About Dr. Josh Brileyjosh-briley

Dr. Josh Briley is a licensed clinical psychologist. His multi-faceted career has given him experience with a wide variety of populations and psychological difficulties. He began his career working for the Federal Bureau of Prisons first as a staff psychologist at the Federal Correctional Complex in Beaumont, TX, then as a Residential Drug Abuse Program Coordinator at the Federal Correctional Institution in El Reno, OK. While employed with BOP, he also served on, and was later assigned to lead, two institutional Crisis Support Teams. He was also selected to be an Assistant Team Leader for the Regional Crisis Support Team in the South Central Region of the Bureau of Prisons, and served as both a Regional and National trainer for Crisis Support Team exercises and classes. His duties with Crisis Support Teams made him proficient in Psychological First Aid, disaster response, critical incident management, and shelter management. After leaving the Bureau of Prisons, Dr. Briley served as the clinical psychologist for a community outpatient clinic in Central Texas for the Veterans Health Administration. He became proficient in treating veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder, as well as with depression, anxiety, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, and family difficulties. In addition, Dr. Briley has served as an Adjunct Professor for the University of Phoenix online, teaching several courses in Statistics, Research Methodology, and Abnormal Psychology for the Masters of Psychology program. Dr. Briley concurrently served as a part-time professor for Capella University online teaching an introductory to the psychology program to undergraduates. Dr. Briley ran a private practice for five years, providing a wide range of psychological assessments and therapy to members of a rural, Central Texas community. For the past two and a half years, Dr. Briley has worked with and its affiliates, providing therapy online to clients in Texas and throughout the world