Wahls Team - August 1, 2019

The team at Defying All Odds film are very excited to be at the end stages of completing this project and can’t wait to see it out on the big screen!

To give the film the best chance of being seen by as many people as possible, and therefore have the impact we all know it can, it needs to be submitted to film festivals worldwide. As with anything, this process is not free, so we are kindly asking for your help.

Every single cent/dollar counts! Festivals costs can add up really fast due to submission fees (and costs associated to the various materials for the submissions). At this stage we do not have enough money to submit the film to our short list of festivals; your contribution would help us achieve that goal.

So we thank you in advance for your help and generosity. If you have already donated to our campaign, thanks again! You made it possible for us to film the re-enactments retelling Dr. Wahls’ amazing journey back to health.

To donate to our project, please click here: https://igg.me/at/defyingalloddsmovie/x/1793889