Wahls Protocol Health Practitioner Spotlight: Andrea Sprague, Chef, F-NTP
Wahls Team - February 18, 2020


Andrea helps clients learn to love food again after food allergies or a healing crisis causes them to radically change their diets. She became a chef because of her own food allergies and discovered not just her love of cooking, but a new way to feed herself that completely eliminated the symptoms that had plagued her for years. Through her own health journey, she discovered the immense healing power food can have and dedicated her life to helping others heal in the same way.

Why did you make the decision to become a Wahls Certified Health Professional?

I have been working with food allergies and people with special diets for over 12 years. I can help people eat well while avoiding foods that don’t work for them, but over the years I started to get more curious about why so many people have food intolerances. And many of my friends and family have been experiencing auto-immune like health challenges. Once I heard of Dr. Wahls and her Protocol I was so excited to finally see a path for how everyone can feel better no matter what health issues they are dealing with.

I tried Level 1 of the Wahls Protocol® on myself and felt so good that I knew certification was the next step in my nutrition education and would benefit all my cooking clients. I became certified because of how much I believe in the work Dr. Wahls is doing, and how people with a variety of conditions can all benefit from adopting her principles for health.

How has what you learned benefited your practice?

I have a cooking client right now that is on an autoimmune diet and modified Wahls Procotol®. I love using the principles of color, sulfur, and greens into my menu planning for him and his family. I think all of the meals I create are more balanced now and nutrient-dense. I incorporate many facets of the Protocol and lifestyle changes with my Nutrition clients as well, even if they do not have MS.

andrea-sprague-chef-coat-photo[1]Contact Andrea


[email protected]

IG: holisticchefs