Overcome Your Autoimmune Disease

The Autoimmune Intervention Mastery Course

Learn how to confidently overcome your autoimmune dysfunction and AIM to reclaim your health!

This simple, actionable 5-module program starts with the basics — setting a foundation for understanding your unique and very personal autoimmune triggers which makes it easy to identify the diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors that are impacting your health.

AIM Autoimmune Intervention Mastery

If you are an autoimmune patient confused by your condition and seeking an intervention to live as normal a life as possible…then you are in the right place.

If you are like most people who are living with the symptoms of autoimmune disease — or if you have been recently diagnosed — you have probably searched every inch of the internet to learn more about your condition.

You may feel overwhelmed by all the repetitive information that really isn’t all that helpful and you are relying on your physician's or specialist’s advice for treatment options that may include disease-modifying drugs.

You Want To Make Choices About The Future Of Your Health Consciously.

Get Back to Living Your Best Life

Autoimmune Dysfunction Is An Epidemic.

Autoimmune dysfunction is an epidemic. Autoimmune diseases are robbing men and women of all ages from living their best lives. The majority of these patients are scared, confused, and too overwhelmed to make critical healthcare decisions about their own lives.

Twenty-five million Americans have one or more autoimmune diagnoses and continue to grow every year, and the age of diagnosis is getting younger.

Seventy-five million Americans are in the prodromal phase, showing symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, pain, moodiness, and inflammation. These signs often indicate the onset of a disease before more diagnostically specific signs and symptoms develop.

The cost for autoimmune care is $100 billion/year in the United States, with many drugs costing between $50,000 and $100,000 per year for the duration of the patient’s life.

In addition, these drugs often come with debilitating known side effects including damage to liver, heart or kidneys, infection, leukemia, or lymphoma, just to name a few. Despite the financial burden and serious health risks of these drugs, patients and families often are more afraid of worsening disability and desperately take these medications.

I Am Here To Tell You That You Can Feel Yourself Again.

You don’t have to be “OK” with getting worse.

You can prevent your body from the attack on itself.

You can learn how to regain as much vitality as possible.

Prodromal symptoms are often misinterpreted or discounted, sending patients to seek the advice of numerous specialists before reaching a diagnosis, which delays treatment and lifestyle intervention. You want to trust that your care team is offering you the standard of patient care based on your diagnosis. Few physicians follow through with the standard of care for all chronic diseases is to first initiate a diet and lifestyle intervention plan to get control of symptoms, prior to initiating drug treatment.

When patients begin a diet and lifestyle intervention after starting a disease-modifying drug, it is often harder for the patient to ever be free from having to take drugs without facing severe worsening of their autoimmune disease.

You may not know what questions to ask.

Your care team may make you feel intimidated so you don’t even ask your questions.

I want you to know you have more control over your condition than you think.

question mark in brain

I’m Dr. Terry Wahls, A Board-Certified Internal Medicine Physician, Lecturer, Researcher And Patient — And I’m Here To Help.

I found myself exactly where you are, right now, not so long ago.

I am a physician, and yet at the time of my diagnosis, I didn’t fully understand all the options and possibilities that could stop my decline and even reverse my secondary progressive multiple sclerosis symptoms.

I went to the best clinics and tried all the newest drugs.

As I became more disabled, fearing that I would become bedridden and demented, I was still determined to do anything to just improve my quality of life.

I revisited the basic science of how healthy cells work and started understanding the underlying factors that contributed to my disease and decline.

I’ve dedicated the last 15 years of my life to conducting exhaustive research, reviewing all the credible studies, and testing the various dietary and lifestyle interventions to uncover what may offer the best outcomes for autoimmune patients.

If you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and unsure of your next steps — I encourage you to take

A Purposeful Pause.

AIM Autoimmune Intevention Mastery

The Autoimmune Intervention Mastery Course.

The Autoimmune Intervention Mastery course guides you through a proven step-by-step process to create a personalized health protocol through education, intention, and action.
It's a research-backed program designed to help you reclaim your health with confidence.

My Promise To You

I promise you, that if you commit to your health, join me as your guide, and follow the step-by-step program I've fine-tuned over the last 13 years, YOU WILL see improved outcomes, learn exactly how your body responds, and regain control over how you feel everyday — just like how I did and how thousands of other Wahls Warriors™ have.

Enroll In AIM + Coaching
AIM testimonialAIM testimonialAIM testimonial

"My doctors told me that changing my diet will do nothing and that I won't last long if I turn down drugs. I felt rushed to make my decision and I was disappointed that drugs were the only intervention I was given information about. I first watched Dr. Wahls TedTalk and then bought The Wahls Protocol® immediately. I started to implement her recommendations right away. I am happy to report there has been no new disease progression"— Wahls Warrior Jolene

Before you begin...

If you are ready to master your autoimmune condition by taking this course and you are already on a disease-modifying therapy — stay on that therapy until you meet the medical criteria that shows your health care team that you are normalizing cell function.

Don't worry, you are starting in the right place to get you there.

You Will Learn How To Prioritize The Daily Habits That Will Have The Greatest Impact On Your Health.

This course is built upon the concepts I cover in my best-selling book — The Wahls Protocol®, A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles. I combine essential approaches drawn from ancestral health, evolutionary biology, functional medicine, behavior change, addiction, and clinical research into one robust health protocol.

There are 5 in-depth modules that teach you how to master the inflammation that is fueling the fire of your autoimmune or chronic disease.

This Course Has You Covered. Each Module Offers:

Science-backed principles

Autoimmune Intervention Mastery is modeled after the same programs Dr. Wahls has used in her primary care clinics, traumatic brain injury clinics, and therapeutic lifestyle clinics at the Iowa City Veteran Affairs Hospital. She also uses this program in her clinical trials and in her private practice.

Targeted, Actionable Tasks

It’s not enough to absorb knowledge. You can only gain wisdom by applying it. That’s why you’ll work through a series of targeted actionable tasks to keep you focused, deepen your understanding, and empower you to take action.

Comprehensive Videos and Worksheets

You’ll be guided every step of the way through in-depth video trainings with PDF worksheets, checklists, and resources you can use to guide your journey.

Private Facebook Group

Connect with other Wahls Warriors™ who are on the same journey as you! This will be a supportive, safe place to share recipes, successes, challenges, and whatever else may come up for discussion!

  • Mobile and tablet friendly
  • Work at your own pace
  • Learn with video or transcript
  • Have access for one year

MODULE 1: Create Your Inner Game Intervention Plan

  • Understand my personal journey and how it has led to this powerful program.
  • Discover my four-pillar approach to reclaiming my health and happiness.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of where you are on your health journey using the Medical Symptoms Questionnaire.
  • Envision the degree to which you are committed to take actions to reclaim your health.
  • Have a clear compelling vision of a healthier, happier you one year from now.
  • Have a renewed sense of hope by seeing yourself in my story.

MODULE 2: Create Your Food Intervention Plan

  • Understand how the Wahls™ Diet is superior to all other nutritional programs.
  • Discover the importance of cellular health and its role in healing your body.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how foods can play a part of your intervention.
  • Live in an environment that is clear of the foods that are detrimental to your health.
  • Have effective ways to engage your immediate circle of support in your intervention.
  • Have daily actions and rituals that help you stay positive and manage your inner game.

MODULE 3: Create Your Physical Intervention Plan

  • An honest profile of where you are today with regard to your mobility and movement.
  • A sense of hope about what your future can hold for you on a physical level.
  • A vision of where you want to be physically 1 year from now.
  • Clear monthly benchmarks that inspire you to stay committed and consistent.
  • A daily action plan that moves you toward your monthly benchmarks.
  • Some inner game strategies that inspire you to take daily actions … no matter what.

MODULE 4: Create Your Supplement Intervention Plan

  • Understand the impact light has on sleep, mood and cellular health.
  • Understand how to use cold and heat to improve metabolic resilience.
  • Understand how to turn on your longevity genes.
  • Have a plan to identify when it is needed and how to obtain additional testing.
  • Have a plan to personalize your supplement plan.
  • Have a plan to experience more of the pleasant life, good life and meaningful life.

MODULE 5: Create Your Connection Intervention Plan

  • Give yourself the opportunity to truly celebrate the lifestyle changes you have made and your new-found empowerment.
  • Turn your focus to the future so you can maintain your commitment and further your progress.
  • Be celebrating a new sense of connection and community with your Wahls Protocol® family.
  • Have a way to monitor your levels of health by tuning into your bio-sensor so you can spot problems and setbacks in advance.
  • Have practical ways to engage others in your ongoing plan to continue your progress and maintain your health.
  • Come to terms with the fact that this is a way of life you and you will always need the support of those around you.
  • Have some suggestions on how to cultivate meaningful relationships that accelerate your healing.
  • Identify people and opportunities for strengthening your own circle of support and to inspire others to begin a similar journey of health and healing.

Enroll Today And Make The Most Important Investment You Can Right Now — In Your Health.

The Autoimmune Intervention Mastery Course is offered in a number of formats to accommodate the level of support you need to make this commitment. See your options below.

Enroll In AIM
doctor with a cow

Meet Your Coach

Beth Schultz, FNTP, WPHP, CGP

Beth Schultz is a Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner who works with Dr. Terry Wahls as her health coach.

After her own journey with Multiple Sclerosis and Lyme Disease, Beth is on a mission to share with the world that healing is possible. She has found her passion as a health coach, walking with others as they navigate their own healing paths.

AIM Autoimmune Intevention Mastery
  • Feel supported while learning how your daily actions impact your health
  • Get your questions about the Wahls Protocol® answered
  • Maintain access to course materials for 1 year
  • Find support and community in the private Wahls Community
Enroll In AIM

"It made me realize that I need to calm down, and get myself motivated again. It was so worth the money because I would be paying for my integrative doc to tell me the same things but not show me how to implement them." — Wahls Warrior™ Jacqueline

Set Yourself Up For Success:

A guided autoimmune intervention is the first place to begin your journey to greater health. This course will save you time and money in the long run. Here’s how:

Scenario #1: Only follow conventional medicine

The cost for autoimmune care is $100 billion/year in the United States, with many drugs costing between $50,000 and $100,000 per year for the duration of the patient’s life.

In addition, these drugs often come with debilitating known side effects including damage to liver, heart or kidneys, infection, leukemia, or lymphoma, just to name a few. Despite the financial burden and serious health risks of these drugs, patients and families often are more afraid of worsening disability and desperately take these medications.

When patients begin a diet and lifestyle intervention after starting a disease-modifying drug, it is often harder for the patient to ever be free from having to take drugs without facing severe worsening of their autoimmune disease.

The diet and lifestyle interventions covered in this course are designed to complement your current disease-modifying therapy and will potentially make your current treatment plan more effective.

Scenario #2: Hire a functional medicine provider

Functional medicine is often cash-based and not covered by insurance. Implementing the Autoimmune Intervention Mastery Course before you start working with a functional medicine practitioner will save you time and money.

This proven behavior change model will jumpstart your new approach to managing your health. Your time spent with your functional or integrative medicine doctor can be used more efficiently by starting these health behavior changes ahead of time.

Imagine being able to begin your health transformation right now by learning about functional medicine and following a proven pathway to creating new health behaviors.

After taking the Autoimmune Intervention Mastery Course, your practitioner will be able to focus on supporting you at a deeper level with their expertise.


Is the Autoimmune Intervention Mastery Course right for me?


If you want to get to the root cause of condition or disease and create new, permanent health behaviors —then yes, this course is for you!

You’ll get the most out of the AIM Course if you’ve read Dr. Terry Wahls’ bestseller, The Wahls Protocol®, and want to get more instruction, depth, and nuance when creating your own personalized wellness protocol.

Inside the AIM Course, you’ll find guidance for putting diet and lifestyle interventions to use in your life. The AIM Course benefits those seeking better health of all stripes. Everyone can benefit from this information, and this program will show you how to leverage it to create a new lifestyle of meaning, confidence, optimism, and health.

How much time will I need to devote to the AIM Course?


The Autoimmune Intervention Mastery Course is a 5-module DIY program walking you through every detail of creating better health habits and behaviors backed by science.

The course will ask you to reflect honestly and deeply throughout the process, so the time you take is up to you. These changes take time, effort, and commitment — I recommend working on one module a week.

What kind of resources will I have when I join?


You’ll get access to video lessons, audios, transcripts, and detailed workbooks with thought-provoking questions, examples, and instructions for each module. Every aspect of the program is delivered virtually, so you can complete it at your own pace, from anywhere in the world. You’ll be able to join a supportive Facebook group too.

How do I get started?


Okay, wellness warrior — you’re ready to kick this process off. Your first step to joining Autoimmune Intervention Mastery is to purchase the course. Once you do so, you’ll be redirected to a landing page to get started!

This web site offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. The use of any information provided on this web site is solely at your own risk. Nothing stated or posted on this web site or available through any services offered by Dr. Terry Wahls and Dr. Terry Wahls, LLC, are intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medicine. Information provided on this web site DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any doctor affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.