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It takes a true warrior to battle multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases. By following the Wahls Protocol®, you can overcome the daily challenges you face and help your body heal. You can choose to let the disease take over, or you can choose to take control of your own health and fight back. We’ve built a strong team of Wahls Warriors™ who have chosen to be in charge of their health and to use the tools given to live a healthier life.

videos of Dr. Terry Wahls

Wahls Warriors™

It’s important to remind yourselves that you’re not alone in this journey. It’s up to you to take charge of your health, but with the Wahls Protocol®, you'll have the tools and guidance you need to succeed. Warrior after warrior is finding a better life despite their diagnosis, and you can too! Read testimonials from other Wahls Warriors™ below.

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Did a great job of keeping my attention. I could have listened to her all day.
Did a great job of keeping my attention. I could have listened to her all day. Intriguing – Wealth of information. Speaker was very informative and presented information in an easy to understand format. Generated a lot of ideas for how to plan on the go.

- Janelle Wilcox

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Dr. Terry Wahls served as an inspirational mentor to me after my MS diagnosis.
Dr. Terry Wahls served as an inspirational mentor to me after my MS diagnosis. By following the Wahls Way, I have optimized my health and vitality and regained confidence knowing I can positively impact the course of my MS. I will be forever in debt to Dr. Wahls for her scientific research and program.

- Ann Garrity

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Annette and Harry share their life changing experience with the Wahls Protocol®!
Annette and Harry share their life changing experience with the Wahls Protocol®!

- Annette and Harry Testimonial

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Watch this video testimonial with Buddy Brouder.
Watch this video testimonial with Buddy Brouder.

- Buddy Brouder Video Testimonial

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Buddy shares his story of using the Wahls Protocol® and Paleo Diet to successfully battle MS.
Buddy shares his story of using the Wahls Protocol® and Paleo Diet to successfully battle MS.

- Buddy Brouder Testimonial

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We have been following The Wahls Protocol® for 6 weeks.
“We have been following The Wahls Protocol® for 6 weeks. My husband (57 years old) has been exhibiting Parkinson’s symptoms and has been seeing a neurologist since July 2011. In just 6 weeks, his PD symptoms have shown significant reversal. The most dramatic is the restoration of his balance and the return of his normal walking gait. Also affected: asthma gone in one week, blood pressure normal, speech clear, normal sleep patterns, more energy, consistently brighter mood. He has been an exercise enthusiast since age 21, which has certainly been a factor in his enduring strength and quick recovery. His right side is regaining strength and becoming more balanced each day. We started to re-introduce foods at 5 weeks on the 4-day rotation and found that sweet potatoes work fine but dairy showed up within hours in the form of general digestive upset, headache, slurred speech and nasal/throat congestion/drip. Amazing! We will continue with grain-free, legume-free, dairy-free, 12 cups of vegetables, etc, until all symptoms are gone before we add anything. Thank you, Dr. Wahls, this is very exciting!”

- Forum Testimonial by D.W.

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I reported a few months ago that my MS symptoms had not changed much, but my digestion had greatly improved.
“I reported a few months ago that my MS symptoms had not changed much, but my digestion had greatly improved. Now at about the nine-month mark my digestion is still much better and I can also report that my chronic headaches have gradually lifted and my fatigue has lightened a bit, though there is still a long way to go. Overall, my relapsing/remitting symptoms have been lighter for the past few months, even during higher times of stress. I’m also finding that more people are becoming “paleo-friendly”, which makes eating out and with friends a little easier. And even though I occasionally miss certain foods, I am still not tempted to cheat because I just don’t want to ever again feel they way I did before I switched to this way of eating.”

- Forum Testimonial by J.D.J.

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My first symptoms hit in 1998 at age 26. The official diagnosis didn’t occur until 2001.
My first symptoms hit in 1998 at age 26. The official diagnosis didn’t occur until 2001. Relapses occurred every 2 years, right side tingling, left weak and numb. In the beginning, it was an annoying inconvenience, affecting walking and sensations throughout my body, fixable with solu-medrol, but soon the damage started to take its toll, permanently messing with my mobility. Eight months of Rebif in 2008 didn’t prevent an episode of optic neuritis, but what it did do was give my family proof of my disease. Up until then I could have faked my symptoms or lied about my discomfort, but there’s no faking a lagging eye. I had to move back home in 2009 because I could no longer hold any position that afforded enough financial freedom to be on my own. In 2010, my MS took another turn. Relapses went from every 2 years to 2 per year. In 2011, and after 1 year being on Avonex, I saw a naturopathic doctor. I went vegan, and then saw another neurologist, who diagnosed me with SPMS and highly recommended starting Tysabri ASAP. I told my neurologist that I wanted to give this vegan diet a try for 6 months before making a decision, and days later the initial sickness of beginning the diet almost had me make the call. But I didn’t, and I pressed on, confident my MS was behind me. Meanwhile, I happened to come across a video that gave me new hope. I watched the video many, many, many times, and decided to incorporate its teachings into my diet in December 2011, which is when my MS decided to return with vengeance. In the summer of 2011, I returned my car, not because the lease was up, but because I knew I would soon no longer be able to drive a standard transmission vehicle if I continued to decline. I was driving an automatic in December, and this relapse was affecting my right motor functions in my leg, crippling my driving even an automatic. I had to rent a wheelchair for work due to the bathroom being more than 100 feet away, and my walking was all but nonexistent. But I pressed on with my new diet, steaming a red, green, yellow, and red pepper with mushrooms, carrots, an onion, broccoli, cauliflower, and a bulb of garlic. I’d have a big salad for breakfast of kale, spinach, with a slice of red cabbage with a dressing made of 3 tbsp. of vinegar, 2 tbsp. liquid honey, and 2 tbsp. flax oil. Most nights I’d have 2 servings of fish with 12 sticks of asparagus and my steamed vegetables and ¼ cup of brown rice. In the beginning, I didn’t have the flax oil, but upon reading that a serving of fish had up to 1 gram of omega 3 and 2 tsp. of flax oil had 5 grams of omega 3, I quickly added it to my salad. I’ll also add my steamed vegetables are served sprinkled with sea salt and seasoning salt. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries find their way into my diet at least once a day with an apple, orange, and banana. So what have these changes done for me? I no longer need to ride the walls when walking. Recently I was able to step up onto a curb without locating something to assure my balance. My step has quickened, approaching a jog, which is my final goal, to be able to run. I haven’t been able to run since 2005, and with the loom of its approach, excitement has filled my aura. I estimate my story begins where Dr. Wahls’ ends. If anyone tells you it won’t work, all I can say is here’s another person who’s saying me too! So, getting back to the original question, how has the Wahls diet changed my life? It has made me a believer, and when I get my running legs back (and I’m quite sure it’ll be soon) they’ll be used to spread the word: FOOD HEALS.

- Forum Testimonial By JC

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It’s been over 5 years without symptoms. I have dramatically decreased lesions on my MRIs.
It’s been over 5 years without symptoms. I have dramatically decreased lesions on my MRIs. I play ice hockey 3 times a week, ride a bike, go hiking and camping. I’d rather give up gluten, dairy, legumes and the junk that the FDA allows to qualify as ‘food’ in order to keep being able to live life to the fullest. There isn’t such thing as ‘easing into it’. It is a commitment to a new way of life. Get with it and start getting your life back!

- Forum Testimonial By J.S.

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have been actively applying Dr. Wahls’ diet for the last six weeks.
I have been actively applying Dr. Wahls’ diet for the last six weeks. I have Relapsing Remitting MS. It is incredible to get my energy level back and improve my gait and balance, in just a few short months. Dr. Wahls has given me hope for a better quality of life. It is a process, so be patient with yourself. At first I went gluten-free, then dairy-free, then I added organic meats and veggies. Currently I juice everyday and strive for 9 cups as suggested. After researching my favorite replacements, it has now become a positive way of life for me. My husband who suffers from arthritis has experienced less pain in his joints. I have read Dr. Wahls’ current book and find myself reading it a second and third time. Thank you for giving us hope.

- Forum Testimonial By K.M

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I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis this fall, also an autoimmune disease, and decided to adopt Terry Wahls’ ideas as soon as I’d seen her lecture (thanks to Dr. Mercola for posting a link to it on his website).
I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis this fall, also an autoimmune disease, and decided to adopt Terry Wahls’ ideas as soon as I’d seen her lecture (thanks to Dr. Mercola for posting a link to it on his website). It’s refreshing to read that you can truly heal yourself with food. I’d suffered so many problems leading up to this diagnosis and was already very much focused on food as the ‘answer’ and of course the ‘problem’ in my life too. I am completely healed of the arthritis (though my doctor says I can’t declare this until I’ve gone 1 year without a flare-up, but I’d like to!). It took 4 months to clear it up, along with other aches and pains & brain fog (IBS and Fibromyalgia were diagnoses earlier in my life that I would not accept but suffered with for 12 years). I have been dairy- and gluten-free for years and am now strictly gluten-free, grain-free, and egg-free. I juice every day, drink smoothies (berries & banana with hemp milk), eat lots of salads and occasionally steam veggies and eat fish & chicken but only in small portions. My husband has adopted this lifestyle too. I dropped 6 lbs in the first 6 days, and people who saw me at Christmas asked what I’d done. Imagine: eating healthy foods could help with weight issues too…why does that seem strange? My kids have allergies so our home has always been a place where food is the focus. Now I have Terry’s regimen photocopied on the corkboard to remind me what I need to be eating in a day! I’m 118 lbs and she did say for a woman that 2 cups of greens & sulphurous veggies & colors would do, and that’s all I can handle in a day. I’m so happy now and will return to work in 2 weeks after being off for months. Thank you Dr. Wahls!

- Forum Testimonial By M.M

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“I don’t have MS, but I have had seven years of mysterious health problems that I always felt were connected but that I couldn’t find successful treatment for: frequent back and nerve pain, headaches, sometimes debilitating fatigue, perioral dermatitis, IBS. Stress management, a special diet for Fructose Malabsorption, and exercise helped somewhat, but I still felt pain and fatigue that kept me in bed some days, and doctors couldn’t help.
“I don’t have MS, but I have had seven years of mysterious health problems that I always felt were connected but that I couldn’t find successful treatment for: frequent back and nerve pain, headaches, sometimes debilitating fatigue, perioral dermatitis, IBS. Stress management, a special diet for Fructose Malabsorption, and exercise helped somewhat, but I still felt pain and fatigue that kept me in bed some days, and doctors couldn’t help. It was only when I started following Dr. Wahl’s Protocol that I started to feel great. I had already reduced my grain and legume intake for Fructose Malabsorption (the “low FODMAP diet”), but then I cut out ALL grains and legumes with 100% compliance (even oats and white rice, even my beloved hummus), and cut out most dairy (except for fermented kefir and homemade yogurt, although I’ll do an elimination trial with those soon). I increased my meat and egg consumption for protein and increased my FODMAP-friendly vegetable and fruit intake up to about 6 cups a day (still aiming for 9, but compromising for budget reasons). Within a couple of weeks, I had much less back pain, no fatigue, no brain fog, excellent digestion (again, sticking with FODMAP restrictions), and resolved skin problems. Best of all, I’ve had more energy than I’ve ever had in my life, which makes work and exercise much more enjoyable than before.”

- Forum Testimonial by N.E.

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“My first symptoms hit in 1998 at age 26.
“My first symptoms hit in 1998 at age 26. The official diagnosis didn’t occur until 2001. Relapses occurred every 2 years, right side tingling, left weak and numb. In the beginning, it was an annoying inconvenience, affecting walking and sensations throughout my body, fixable with solu-medrol, but soon the damage started to take its toll, permanently messing with my mobility. Eight months of Rebif in 2008 didn’t prevent an episode of optic neuritis, but what it did do was give my family proof of my disease. Up until then I could have faked my symptoms or lied about my discomfort, but there’s no faking a lagging eye. I had to move back home in 2009 because I could no longer hold any position that afforded enough financial freedom to be on my own. In 2010, my MS took another turn. Relapses went from every 2 years to 2 per year. In 2011, and after 1 year being on Avonex, I saw a naturopathic doctor. I went vegan, and then saw another neurologist, who diagnosed me with SPMS and highly recommended starting Tysabri ASAP. I told my neurologist that I wanted to give this vegan diet a try for 6 months before making a decision, and days later the initial sickness of beginning the diet almost had me make the call. But I didn’t, and I pressed on, confident my MS was behind me. Meanwhile, I happened to come across a video that gave me new hope. I watched the video many, many, many times, and decided to incorporate its teachings into my diet in December 2011, which is when my MS decided to return with vengeance. In the summer of 2011, I returned my car, not because the lease was up, but because I knew I would soon no longer be able to drive a standard transmission vehicle if I continued to decline. I was driving an automatic in December, and this relapse was affecting my right motor functions in my leg, crippling my driving even an automatic. I had to rent a wheelchair for work due to the bathroom being more than 100 feet away, and my walking was all but nonexistent. But I pressed on with my new diet, steaming a red, green, yellow, and red pepper with mushrooms, carrots, an onion, broccoli, cauliflower, and a bulb of garlic. I’d have a big salad for breakfast of kale, spinach, with a slice of red cabbage with a dressing made of 3 tbsp. of vinegar, 2 tbsp. liquid honey, and 2 tbsp. flax oil. Most nights I’d have 2 servings of fish with 12 sticks of asparagus and my steamed vegetables and ¼ cup of brown rice. In the beginning, I didn’t have the flax oil, but upon reading that a serving of fish had up to 1 gram of omega 3 and 2 tsp. of flax oil had 5 grams of omega 3, I quickly added it to my salad. I’ll also add my steamed vegetables are served sprinkled with sea salt and seasoning salt. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries find their way into my diet at least once a day with an apple, orange, and banana. So what have these changes done for me? I no longer need to ride the walls when walking. Recently I was able to step up onto a curb without locating something to assure my balance. My step has quickened, approaching a jog, which is my final goal, to be able to run. I haven’t been able to run since 2005, and with the loom of its approach, excitement has filled my aura. I estimate my story begins where Dr. Wahls’ ends. If anyone tells you it won’t work, all I can say is here’s another person who’s saying me too! So, getting back to the original question, how has the Wahls diet changed my life? It has made me a believer, and when I get my running legs back (and I’m quite sure it’ll be soon) they’ll be used to spread the word: FOOD HEALS.”

- Forum Testimonial – Food Heals!

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“Dr. Wahls, your diet healed my brother of whatever his condition was when the hospital told him a breathing machine would be his best friend for the rest of his life and believe me, nobody thought the rest of his life would last very long.
“Dr. Wahls, your diet healed my brother of whatever his condition was when the hospital told him a breathing machine would be his best friend for the rest of his life and believe me, nobody thought the rest of his life would last very long. As a bonus he was also healed of high blood pressure and diabetes. He has been insulin-, atenolol- and steroid-free for two months and in better health than he was five years prior. I was watching him die while waiting on an appointment to see a specialist when I knew I had to do something before it was too late. I found you and two weeks later I was glad he never saw the specialist because if he had, I would not have found you. I sat in tears when I realized your diet was his cure because one of my best friends has battled MS for almost 30 years and I knew this diet was specifically designed for her. She now knows about it and wants to go on this diet. We shall see. In closing I want to say I think you should win the Nobel Peace Prize because since Mother Teresa, nobody deserves it more.”

- Forum Testimonial from M.R.

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“It’s been over 5 years without symptoms.
“It’s been over 5 years without symptoms. I have dramatically decreased lesions on my MRIs. I play ice hockey 3 times a week, ride a bike, go hiking and camping. I’d rather give up gluten, dairy, legumes and the junk that the FDA allows to qualify as ‘food’ in order to keep being able to live life to the fullest. There isn’t such thing as ‘easing into it’. It is a commitment to a new way of life. Get with it and start getting your life back!”

- Forum Testimonial – Get with it and start getting your life back!

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“I just recently adopted the Wahl’s Diet.
“I just recently adopted the Wahl’s Diet. I have the rare form of Parkinson’s, Young Onset. I feel it is still in the rare stages as I have not met anyone else who has it. I am going into my second week of the diet. Yesterday and today I noticed a dramatic difference. I am following this diet as closely as possible. I am eating the kale, spinach, fresh parsley, and more, all raw. I have completely eliminated ALL white flours, sugars and most grains. In the past 2 days, I have began to feel calmer. I feel “clean” — I don’t know how else to describe it. I am senior in college at the age of 50. I originally worked trauma as a Neuro EMT and in the healthcare industry for 28 yrs. I am also working out gradually at the club. I have incorporated making sure I drink plenty of purified, boiled or distilled water. I have decreased almost all dairy. I did the research as well due to the neurologist’s not knowing enough. I did not want to end up like others, over-medicated. I have limited the meds for almost 10 years now successfully with reiki, swimming, and supplements. I know I need to replace the supplements gradually with the right foods. This is a carefully thought out process, and I want to do it right. Thank you, Dr. Wahls! You are in my heart as a true friend and hero!”

- Forum Testimonial – Thank you, Dr. Wahls! You are in my heart as a true friend and hero!

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My digestion is much better. For the last two years, I have been in physical pain on my right side after I eat.
My digestion is much better. For the last two years, I have been in physical pain on my right side after I eat. With the Wahls diet, I don’t hurt after a meal. Also, with the green drinks, I feel better; I have more strength and no fatigue.

- Forum Testimonials By A.P.

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I started the diet on May 7, 2012, and have rigorously followed it except for organ meat. (I’m still working on that.)
I started the diet on May 7, 2012, and have rigorously followed it except for organ meat. (I’m still working on that.) My walking has improved a bit – now I feel like I have two feet and can walk heel to toe. Before the diet, I felt like I had two tree trunks for legs, throwing one leg in front of the other like Frankenstein. On July 2, 2012, I was able to climb 20 stairs without resting and then walk down a hall without clutching the wall. Before the diet, I’d have to take 2 to 3 rest stops to climb the stairs, then hold onto the wall. Also, my Grosvenor’s disease (a skin rash I get on my torso) has lessened dramatically. The bad news is that 7/2/12 was my last great day, as the summer heat has returned my walking to the way it was before the diet. I’m hoping for summer to be over. (I’m in the northeast of U.S.)

- Forum Testimonials By B.B

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I have been working on my diet myself for some time due to deterioration.
I have been working on my diet myself for some time due to deterioration. I felt sure that there was more I could do for myself other than just go downhill and live in great pain and discomfort with no real help from doctors, apart from medications. I stumbled across Dr. Wahls this year while researching the Paleo diet, the direction I have taken. Dr. Wahls’ diet pretty much mirrors what I have been working toward. I find it encouraging to find an actual doctor following the journey I myself was on as my own doctors seemed to be questioning the validity of my belief in food as a contributor to disease. I now show Dr. Wahls’ book to support my journey. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding: I have arrested my deterioration and increased the rapidity of my recovery from fatigue, heat stress, and illness. Plus I have massive improvement with my bowels and reduction of the MS fog. Initially, I went gluten-free then I started finding out what foods I was intolerant to. Gradually my bowels started to work and the pain reduced. My inflammation count was sky high and is now close to normal. This process has been ongoing for nearly 3 years. Now I eat a Paleo diet – grain-free and dairy-free –with the occasional break to eat a potato! I cannot eat a number of items recommended in the diet (allergic to cabbage among others) but my real noticeable and rapid change occurred only after eliminating all allergen foods. Therefore, I highly recommend identifying allergen foods as part of your diet and lifestyle changes. We are all different and need to tailor a solution specific to ourselves. The only thing I haven’t taken on board is eating offal – still getting there – so I take supplements. The next step! Whether or not I can reverse the damage done can only be told with time.

- Forum Testimonials By C.F

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I have been juicing for 3 and a half weeks.
I have been juicing for 3 and a half weeks. I’m eating veggies I’ve never eaten and staying near or over the 9 cups. I have not eliminated the gluten nor dairy…just drastically reduced them. I am still researching the grass-fed meats as they are not readily available and expensive. Just the changes made have brought amazing improvement similar to that of the “I love veggies” poster. I sleep better and need less sleep, heat tolerance is higher and there is less fatigue, but the best is the clarity of mind. The fog is gone. I will work toward more implementation of the diet and look forward to my next MRI. I’m eager to compare with previous results.

- Forum Testimonials By CNA

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I am improving at physiotherapy.
I am improving at physiotherapy. I used to walk with my right leg and drag my left leg and foot. I am now able to do some heel-toe walking with both legs and feet. I am walking with better form, but I am not yet walking farther distances. Using my left leg properly is exhausting! I am a little better at walking up stairs, though this also exhausts me if I do it too much. Overall, I believe that I am on the right track. It is slow, but I am delighted that I am progressing in the right direction! And now I can put my left foot into a shoe — as opposed to putting a shoe onto my foot! Thank you!

- Forum Testimonials By C.W

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I have also been on the diet for three weeks.
I have also been on the diet for three weeks. The first thing I noticed was a feeling akin to a new pair of eyeglasses — my head felt clearer. The second thing was increased energy. I have had three days in 3 weeks when I did not get tired during the day, an experience I have not had in 14 years! The last improvement has been in the quality of my sleep. I do not wake up as often and I no longer need nine hours a night. Seven and one-half or eight is enough. I have stopped soy, dairy and gluten and am close to nine cups of veggies, though the sulfur category is a bit of a challenge. I am not entirely off sugar, though I am eating way less of it and substitute brown rice syrup when I can. I feel great and am so happy with these changes. The biggest challenge will be maintaining the diet when traveling.

- Forum Testimonials By J.B

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The Wahls Diet reduced the pain from fibromyalgia, helps facilitate weight loss, and improves my energy.
The Wahls Diet reduced the pain from fibromyalgia, helps facilitate weight loss, and improves my energy. I feel several years younger! When I “cheat”, my body is angry at me for one to two weeks. I tell all my friends with fibromyalgia to get on the Wahls diet. I’ve been implementing the diet little by little since October 2009 as I was introducing food back after weight loss surgery. The scale shows 200 lbs less. At my last physical, my GP asked if I still have fibromyalgia. I told her that I still do, but it does not have me, thanks to Dr. Terry Wahls. I owe you BIG.

- Forum Testimonials By J.F

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Lessons learned from Dr. Terry Wahls
Lessons learned from Dr. Terry Wahls My child suffers from a neurological disorder, and the TED talk by Dr. Terry Wahls was inspiring and life-changing for my family. Dr. Wahls captivated the audience with her experience and pictures, while her words kept you wanting to hear more. Dr. Wahls’ pictures began with her children, and then she tells the audience that, after the birth of her second child, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She showed pictures of her body degenerating through the course of the disease. The tone of her voice and the words she used were pointed and convincing – she was not giving up. Dr. Wahls is a fighter and she found a way to reverse the effects of her disease through diet. She began researching ways to protect and heal her body through nature. She learned from our ancestors and used food to regenerate her brain and myelin. She healed and sustains her body using three heaping plates of fresh fruits and vegetables accompanied by daily servings of fresh fish and grass- fed protein. There have been lots of studies regarding diet and autism. It is difficult to know who to believe and how best to apply it to my child and our family. It seems the most popular dietary restrictions for autistic families is to follow a gluten- and/or casein-free diet, which is extremely difficult to follow unless the entire family is willing to make this change. In addition to autism, my son is a vegetarian by his own choice, which brings even more challenges. As a young child, his vegetarianism has turned him into an extremely selective eater, mostly turning to carbs (pasta, pizza, etc) as many young children do. We have been incorporating green smoothies into our daily diets, and after I watched the TED talk, I have a new conviction related to our diets. We have replaced spinach in our smoothies with kale. I have bulked up the Omega 3’s using golden flax seed and have really focused on getting the equivalent of three heaping plates of bright fruits and vegetables into our diets daily. I absolutely love Dr. Wahls’ comment regarding the cost of healthy food, that you can pay more for the food now or pay in the future with high medical bills and perhaps long-term nursing care.

- Forum Testimonials By JT

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I just saw your video of 11/11/11. Your story is much like mine.
I just saw your video of 11/11/11. Your story is much like mine. I never had the diagnosis of MS, but was looking at a life in a wheelchair or bedridden. I was told I was pretty close to death as well and was given prescription medications to take. To make a long story short, I do eat your diet short of enough kale, fish, and organ meats. It has been almost a year, and I can tell I’m not all better, but better! I have to be patient. I can jump on my rebounder with the hope of running someday, I can drive a car again, but with limitations, and I can almost sleep just like my body should. I am very blessed to have a sister, a doctor, and a God who helped me with every step. Saying my life has changed is putting it mildly. I have life again.

- Forum Testimonials By M.C

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I have only been doing this diet plan for two weeks, but I am seeing strength increase in my legs and the tendons in my hands are loosening up.
I have only been doing this diet plan for two weeks, but I am seeing strength increase in my legs and the tendons in my hands are loosening up. I do not think it will be very long before I can write again. Of course it will take some time to get outta the wheelchair.

- Forum Testimonials By M.L

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I only recently discovered the Dr. Terry Wahls diet when my sister sent me a link to the video “Minding my Mitochondria” in July 2012.
I only recently discovered the Dr. Terry Wahls diet when my sister sent me a link to the video “Minding my Mitochondria” in July 2012. I have RRMS, and have had it since I was 19 years old. Well, that’s when I was diagnosed, anyway. After one episode of optic neuritis at 19, I never saw another symptom until I was thirty and a half. I just turned 33 a few weeks ago. Things got really bad for me in February 2012. I lost my ability to walk on my own, this after having been on multiple sports teams only 3 years before. I started the Wahls Diet in earnest in August 2012. I also started Copaxone in September 2012 for the first time. Altogether, I have noticed massive improvements in mental clarity and I have times when I can walk around without my cane, feeling like a normal person again. Those times make it SO worth it. I can give up cheeseburgers if it means I can walk again! I did feel so good a few weeks ago that I reintroduced bread into my diet. I won’t be doing that again. I felt sluggish and my spasticity in my legs came back. To be honest, in February, when things started to get really bad, I researched what I could on diet, and spent a lot of time on the World’s Healthiest Food website. But to find that a doctor out there also has MS and basically experimented on herself to find and optimal diet…WOW. This is very inspiring. Thank you.

- Forum Testimonials By NT

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I am new. I have been working on this for possibly 3 weeks, and I do not entirely have the diet worked out.
I am new. I have been working on this for possibly 3 weeks, and I do not entirely have the diet worked out. That being said, it is markedly easier to urinate, which decreases the risk of a UTI (I have been troubled with these) and I have more feeling in my fingertips. I have also discovered that I have more energy if I eat liver and seaweed more often than once a week. So, by eating kale and liver and other recommended foods, I have turned the clock back on the MS by 3 to 4 months. And I have only been attempting to follow the diet for 3 weeks. I seem to have hit a plateau this last week, and so I am now working on cutting out gluten and such. It is not easy, but it is well worth doing.

- Forum Testimonials By T

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Reading a book in the woods, but not just any book, a book that can (and HAS) saved people’s lives! Terry Wahls MD!
Reading a book in the woods, but not just any book, a book that can (and HAS) saved people’s lives! Terry Wahls MD!

- From a Wahls Warrior™

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I was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago and then Lyme disease.
I was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago and then Lyme disease. I tried conventional medicine for 8 years and it failed me. I had given up, and then I saw Dr. Wahls’ TED talk. I jumped right in and follow the diet strictly. That was two years ago. I had no symptoms for eighteen months until I was recently glutened at a restaurant. I have lost 100 pounds and started school to become a nutrition therapy practitioner. I am a brand new person. Thank you Dr. Wahls.

- From Wahls Warrior™ Beth

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Thank you for saying what we all need to hear about Paleo Lifestyle! My family has been following the Paleo way of life and eating for 2 years and turned our health around completely 100%! What a gift! No more doctors visits for chronic health issues!
Thank you for saying what we all need to hear about Paleo Lifestyle! My family has been following the Paleo way of life and eating for 2 years and turned our health around completely 100%! What a gift! No more doctors visits for chronic health issues! My friends don’t believe me, which is sad! Anyway, we are happy and glad to have our health back and have saved so much money due to very little medical intervention, all because we are eating the natural way! Thanks for the vindication for what we as parents are trying to instill in our children!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Christina

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I’ve been on the Wahls Protocol® for four months since I had a major flare up that sent me to the ER and home from work for a week.
I’ve been on the Wahls Protocol® for four months since I had a major flare up that sent me to the ER and home from work for a week. I’m a middle school counselor (I’m the one with the microphone in the pic). Since following Dr. Wahls’ protocol, my MS symptoms have been fewer, my leg strength better (I didn’t need my cane once this entire day!), brain fogginess is gone, and the amount of energy I have is mind blowing! I feel like I’m now back to being the best and healthiest version of myself. This picture truly shows what Dr. Wahls has been able to do for me! My students and I thank you!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Dana

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I have been on medication for hypertension for the last 12 years with numbers as high as 198/125 three weeks ago.
I have been on medication for hypertension for the last 12 years with numbers as high as 198/125 three weeks ago. Today is day 5 of following the Wahls Diet and my BP is 126/79! Thank you!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Dawn

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Thank you Dr. Wahls! I was diagnosed with MS 11 years ago.
Thank you Dr. Wahls! I was diagnosed with MS 11 years ago. Life was beyond miserable until I saw your TED talk a few years ago. I combined that information with insights I gained from studying Physical Anthropology at CSULB that same year. It changed my life. I’m now off all meds and feeling better than ever. I also shared this information with an old friend who was diagnosed with Graves’ disease. He has since reported a full remission that he attributed to a change in his diet.

- From Wahls Warrior™ Devan

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Thanks, Dr Wahls. Today my blood tests showed my thyroid antibodies had reduced dramatically, despite not taking medication but being on your diet for two years after a diagnosis of Graves’ disease.
Thanks, Dr Wahls. Today my blood tests showed my thyroid antibodies had reduced dramatically, despite not taking medication but being on your diet for two years after a diagnosis of Graves’ disease. I only had the tests because of a flare up due to stress and gluten-free cake. After years of trying diets for better health, going grain and sugar free is the best thing I have ever done.

- From Wahls Warrior™ Elizabeth

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I just wanted to let you know: I started with meditation and a life coach. Then I went gluten free.
I just wanted to let you know: I started with meditation and a life coach. Then I went gluten free. Then I kicked up my lifestyle by reading your book and watching your TED talks. Then I added exercise and yoga. I can honestly say that you have changed my life for the better! I will continue to tell people how you have inspired me to get well and get my life back! No MS drugs for 4 1/2 years! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Elyssa

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Wow! I just got back from a great day at Disneyworld with my family that wouldn’t have been possible last year.
Wow! I just got back from a great day at Disneyworld with my family that wouldn’t have been possible last year. Before starting the protocol, I could barely stand being in the heat and sun, and if I did submit to it, I would very quickly become weak and fatigued for the rest of the day if not longer, not to mention an eruption of other symptoms. Today I was able to walk all over the park in 90-degree heat and I still feel great at almost 11pm. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dr. Wahls! I finally have my life back! And thank you to WDW for letting me bring in my Wahls-compliant foods! Made all the difference!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Karen

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This protocol has worked for me with both my MS and RA.
This protocol has worked for me with both my MS and RA. It’s amazing how foods can affect our health so negatively! If you have any autoimmune disorder, this protocol will help drastically. I also had IBS for my whole adult life, and it is now totally gone. This diet, for me, has been life changing. Those of you that have these issues should try it, you will see the difference in your life. You can also get Dr. Terry Wahls’ book Minding My Mitochondria. Good luck!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Kate

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I am now in remission for Crohn’s disease due to a complete diet overhaul! It is a wonderful feeling!
I am now in remission for Crohn’s disease due to a complete diet overhaul! It is a wonderful feeling! I recommend Dr. Terry Wahls constantly to friends who say they need to do something about their health :-):-) thanks, as always, Terry Wahls MD.

- From Wahls Warrior™ Kylie

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My one adult son has Crohn’s disease and is now off all meds thanks to your diet!
My one adult son has Crohn’s disease and is now off all meds thanks to your diet!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Laurie

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I was diagnosed on 2/24/15 with RRMS.
I was diagnosed on 2/24/15 with RRMS. Decided not to take any meds. Luckily my brother’s boss has MS and told me to google Terry Wahls. I’m so glad she did. After about a month I started noticing I had more good days than bad! I will go for another MRI in September, hoping they tell me there has been no progression!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Leanne

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I beg you to forgive my English skills since I was born in Germany.
I beg you to forgive my English skills since I was born in Germany. I just wanted to thank you for your great book on the subject of Multiple Sclerosis and diet. I do not take any medication but still try to feel my best. There are many doctors who do not approve of my way and so I act according to the motto: Help yourself, otherwise no one will help you! Your book has given me new strength and I have implemented all of your tips on the first day. Now I find myself in the 4th week of your program and already feel much better! I read the book very slowly because I am trying as much as possible to understand and implement changes. I salute you and I’m very impressed that you share your knowledge with the world. Many doctors here in Germany should be geared more to you, as many people would benefit from it! Many thanks.

- From Wahls Warrior™ Lisa

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I have Crohn’s disease.
I have Crohn’s disease. I changed my diet over 2 years ago to almost a Wahls diet. Read the book in January and I am feeling really good. Off my meds for 2 years now–first time in almost 30 years!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Lori

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A week ago I started the Wahls Protocol®.
A week ago I started the Wahls Protocol®. I have lost 10 pounds and was able to sprint after my dog this morning without feeling like I was going to die. I am only on chapter 4 of the book. I may be running a marathon by the end of the book!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Lynn

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I am 56 years old and have been following the Wahls Protocol® for more than a year.
I am 56 years old and have been following the Wahls Protocol® for more than a year. I eat a significant amount of healthy fat, including coconut oil. I just had my blood lipid levels tested and my cholesterol is 179 and my triglycerides are 88.

- From Wahls Warrior™ Mary Beth

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Great news: My partner’s latest scan revealed that 2 lesions on his brain have disappeared.
Great news: My partner’s latest scan revealed that 2 lesions on his brain have disappeared. So has one on his spine. We shall be keeping up the Wahls diet. Hopefully we can squash MS for good. Thank you so much!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Melanie

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Kayaking in Seattle! This would never have happened without the protocol! Thank you for giving my life back.
Kayaking in Seattle! This would never have happened without the protocol! Thank you for giving my life back. One day we will meet and I will give you the biggest hug of gratitude.

- From Wahls Warrior™ Michelle

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Got diagnosed with Sjogren about 5 years ago.
Got diagnosed with Sjogren about 5 years ago. Symptoms were very dry eyes and mouth, joint pain, heartburn, bloated stomach, and unexplained extreme fatigue. I did not have a full night’s sleep for years and experience severe shin cramps (requiring daily intake of large amount of magnesium) I turned to food for solution and found enough literature to convince me to stop gluten, dairy, to stick to food cooked at 100 degrees, and to stop all processed food and preservatives. Basically, it was implementing the Wahls diet but without the 9 cups of veggies. These first steps did help; I stopped having migraines, stopped having dry eyes (stopped using drops and lied about it to my ophthalmologist who didn’t believe I didn’t need it anymore), and I was able to work a few hours every morning. The joint pain also improved. But I was still battling with fatigue that was really impairing my life. I had sleeping problems, cramps, and transit difficulties. This is where I discovered the Wahls protocol and added the 9 cups of veggies per day, as I was already doing everything else. The first major improvement was my transit (no more problems), then I started to have uninterrupted sleep for up to 6 hours. I have now enough energy to start to exercise and I haven’t needed to rest during the day for weeks (I feel 90% back to before my diagnosis). Finally I gradually reduced the magnesium supplement and for the first time in years I am free of cramps. Furthermore, being premenopausal I use to have hot flashes (where I would be dripping on the floor in a few minutes) and those have also disappeared. From my personal experience, it’s really eating the veggies that made a big difference as one by one all health problems are disappearing! Thank you for your work.

- From Wahls Warrior™ Nathalie whose Sjogren’s symptoms were greatly reduced

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Dr. Wahls, I think you need shirts that say, “Wahls Protocol…so much kale, so little time”.
Dr. Wahls, I think you need shirts that say, “Wahls Protocol…so much kale, so little time”. I have never eaten so much kale or so many beets in all my life! At the same time, I haven’t felt normal in years and slowly it’s coming back. I’m having really productive days and the debilitating brain fog is clearing. Your book was recommended by a friend, and I thank God for both of you because you literally may have saved my life (I was despairing something awful and was sure my husband and kids would be better off…). Long live the kale!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Neisha

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Two years ago today I moved independently for the first time in 50 years of living into this adorable beach cottage!
Two years ago today I moved independently for the first time in 50 years of living into this adorable beach cottage! Prior to this, due to the devastating effects of MS, I had full-time help, almost complete loss of bilateral use of my hands, trouble swallowing, could not drive, all while living in constant pain. Today I completely take care of myself, live 100% independently with almost complete use of my hands, and just about every symptom from MS is history. In addition, in March 2015 I bought a brand new car! Thank you Terry Wahls MD for showing me the way and giving me my life back! Today I celebrate LIFE and kicking Multiple Sclerosis to the curb all day every day!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Paleo Boss

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I lived with chronic pain for over 5 years that ran up and down my arms and hands.
I lived with chronic pain for over 5 years that ran up and down my arms and hands. It was not until I started following The Wahls Protocol that all pain has left my body!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Paleo Boss

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Three weeks in and skin inflammation, tiredness, and brain fogginess are on their way out thanks to Wahls Paleo. Thank you is an understatement.
Three weeks in and skin inflammation, tiredness, and brain fogginess are on their way out thanks to Wahls Paleo. Thank you is an understatement.

- From Wahls Warrior™ Patricia

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Thank you Dr. Wahls. Today I’m walking better than I have in years, thanks to you!
Thank you Dr. Wahls. Today I’m walking better than I have in years, thanks to you!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Paula

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I have had two Transverse Myelitis attacks. Lesions from C1-T10. No brain ones yet and spinal tap doesn’t indicate MS.
I have had two Transverse Myelitis attacks. Lesions from C1-T10. No brain ones yet and spinal tap doesn’t indicate MS. My neurologist says I am doing incredibly well and that I should “keep doing what you are doing.” I tell him I am on Dr. Wahls’ Protocol and he still after 7 months gives me a funny look. Then he offers me medications, but I don’t really need them. As long as I am fairly strict on the diet I can get along in my day-to-day life! Thank you for giving me a way to fight back, Dr. Wahls! Much appreciated.

- From Wahls Warrior™ Rhea

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May be silly but I just teared up. My son said he was hungry.
May be silly but I just teared up. My son said he was hungry. I am home alone but I said, “I can make you something.” He said puzzled, “You can?” And I did. Thank you Dr. Wahls!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Ronald

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Thank you for all that you have done to bring information and change to empower people who take charge and improve their quality of life!
Thank you for all that you have done to bring information and change to empower people who take charge and improve their quality of life!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Shirley

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Now it’s almost a year (10 and a half months) that I follow the Wahls Protocol and I consider myself as a Wahls Warrior.
Now it’s almost a year (10 and a half months) that I follow The Wahls Protocol® and I consider myself as a Wahls Warrior. It’s very important that you know that my situation has had great improvements, i.e.: -No more hard back pain -More strength – I can sometimes walk for a half mile – I can stand up without needing to sit down every 5 minutes -I am restarting physical activity such as gym, stretching, abdominal exercises -Sometimes I go swimming -I quit with paracetamol after having an injection of Rebif (I hope to quit that also as soon as my neurologist says I can) – Great weight loss. I lost about 20 kg and now weigh 75kg, the same as I did at age 18. (I’m 37 years old.) – Now I really think that I can win against MS -My last MRI was quite good. No activity was shown and all the lesions are the same as last year. All of this was possible only by following The Wahls Protocol®! Thank you very much and be proud of your research!

- From Wahls Warrior™ SV who is Italian and whose MS is much improved

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I started the Wahls diet 2 months ago (because of an autoimmune disorder).
I started the Wahls diet 2 months ago (because of an autoimmune disorder). I feel so much better and it shows! Thanks so much!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Tara

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I was in hospital (in England) recently for a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction due to DCIS and couldn’t resist telling anyone that would listen what an inspiration you are.
I was in hospital (in England) recently for a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction due to DCIS and couldn’t resist telling anyone that would listen what an inspiration you are. Five nurses asked me for details, which I gladly gave them, so they can investigate for family members. I never tire of spreading the word of your excellent work. Thank you so much Dr. Wahls!

- From Wahls Warrior™ Tracy

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Jake Nelson baby"Terry Wahls' Success Stories")I have been following your inspiring story for a few years with interest.
Jake Nelson baby Thank you so much!

- Jake Nelson, Mechanical Engineer

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See how Jane was transformed through reading Minding My Mitochondria.
See how Jane was transformed through reading Minding My Mitochondria.

- Jane Testimonial

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Dr. Wahls’ programs are lively, challenging and very beneficial.
Dr. Wahls’ programs are lively, challenging and very beneficial. She is able to take complicated information and have the average person take away health improving concepts that can transform their life for the better forever. You can leave her program and start making changes the very next day. Positive, inspirational, and enjoyable!!

- Janet Slimak, Program Director, Kirkwood Community College Continuing Education

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Dr. Wahls is the Michael Pollan of Primary Care medicine.
Dr. Wahls is the Michael Pollan of Primary Care medicine. Up from the Chair is more than a story about an individual’s struggle with progressive, chronic disease. It is a wake-up call to anyone with, or treating human mitochondria – in short all of us!

- Jennifer Gonzalez, R.N., B.S.N., Health Education and Prevention Coordinator

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I took away a lot of info I can personally use.
I took away a lot of info I can personally use. Thought I was eating pretty well but learned so much! Already saved the website on my B. B. at break! Inspiring story.

- Kerri J. Neil

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I have had Multiple Sclerosis for 35 years and Dr. Wahls has given me a handle on my disease.
I have had Multiple Sclerosis for 35 years and Dr. Wahls has given me a handle on my disease. Anyone who is concerned with their health, whether or not they have a chronic disease, should read her work. Dr. Wahls has given me something that my doctors can not…hope.

- Lydia Rawlings, MS patient

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Wow – What blessing your life is.
Wow – What blessing your life is. Thank you for your strength and dedication! You Rock! Excited to read your book.

- Madonna J. Offerman

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At the recommendation of Maureen Russo, I explored the information on your webpage a week ago Friday.
At the recommendation of Maureen Russo, I explored the information on your webpage a week ago Friday. Another friend had attended one of your talks last year. So I have heard about your incredible story and information from multiple people. After exploring the info on your webpage, I went to New Pi [A local food co-op] with a grocery list with colors: red, purple, black, orange, etc. Since then I have been cooking (my husband has been thrilled!) and really enjoying a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. And, as a result I have felt so good. So my message today is a simple, THANK YOU for enhancing the quality of my life. Even though I have not had the privilege of meeting you in person, I have benefitted greatly from the information you have shared on your webpage and from your model of eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. One challenge I have had is how to introduce kelp and seaweed powder in my diet in a tasty way. Perhaps you have a recipe for salad dressing that includes these foods? Maybe I can make it to one of your July talks.

- Mary L. Cohen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Music, University of Iowa

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When Dr. Wahls discusses her exploration of ‘super-nutrition’ to address her symptoms of MS, she speaks from the heart.
When Dr. Wahls discusses her exploration of ‘super-nutrition’ to address her symptoms of MS, she speaks from the heart. Her audience benefits from explanations based in her training as a physician, as well as from her perspective as a person herself facing a potentially fatal disease. In a frank, humorous way, Dr. Wahls asks us to consider cellular function and how the foods we eat can help or hurt this critical process. Her talks are inspiring because she is experiencing profound personal improvement in her health from following her protocol. I find her manner unpretentious, deeply caring, and fully engaging. Whatever their various challenges, they are having, the many students in her classes have been moved to take heart, and make changes for the better in their diets.

- Theresa Carbrey, Education and Member Services Coordinator, New Pioneer Food Co-op

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Hi my name is Abby. I was bedridden 2 years ago with heart problems at the age of 21.
Hi my name is Abby. I was bedridden 2 years ago with heart problems at the age of 21. I had an ejection fraction of 30 and a heart rate that would exceed 200 bpm. I started taking prenatal vitamins and went off of all medications. My condition improved slightly. I went paleo and kept improving. Then I discovered a video of of Dr. Wahls on YouTube and purchased her book. I followed her diet plan. I ate how she said she ate, and now I am in remission from heart disease! All of my progress is documented with my cardiologist. Thanks a bunch, Abby

- Wahls Warrior™ Abby

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I am Anastasia, and I am Greek.
I am Anastasia, and I am Greek. My symptoms were excessive fatigue and constant vertigo. My first attack was expressed with intolerable vertigo, nausea, and interminable vomiting. My doctor has assured me that I am an extremely rare case, as far as symptoms are concerned. I am following your diet from last March. One year. I feel great and now l am going to stop the interferone. During my course of following the Wahls Diet, I’ve been lucky enough to have plain support by my husband Constantinos and Marianna Evaggelou, Biochemist MS and Diet Researcher, who was absolutely familiar with the Wahls Diet. The result is amazing! I have my health back. My kids are very happy for that. I would like to thank you very much for your contribution to this. You don’t know me and I don’t know you. But l feel so grateful! God bless you. Kindly, Anastasia Spyroglou, biologist

- Wahls Warrior™ Anastasia

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Read this impressive Wahls Warrior™ success story submitted by Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner, Katalin Kokavecz.
Read this impressive Wahls Warrior™ success story submitted by Wahls Protocol® Health Practitioner, Katalin Kokavecz. To learn more about Katalin and her practice, visit her directory page linked here. ## How was your health before starting the protocol? Anita: It was around 2013 or 2014 when I first felt a tingling sensation running down my left side, from my head to my toes, sometimes a few times a minute. When I turned around, I lost my balance. At the time, nobody thought these symptoms had a neurological cause. In 2016, I had a neurological examination of a paralysed optic nerve, and was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis . Every summer I had problems with my vision. Every six months MRI scans revealed more and more lesions, showing that the illness was progressive. Meanwhile, I had many other symptoms too. Chronic fatigue, lethargy, severe period pain, night sweats, poor sleep, persistent rashes, blocked or runny nose, and anxiety. This is when I found your program. Testimonial Image What made you decide to start? Anita: One of my friends had lent me a recipe book for the Autoimmune Protocol, and that was where I first found the name of Dr. Terry Wahls. I looked her up on the Internet and was surprised to find out that she had suffered from the same illness as I did but was able to almost miraculously turn it around. I immediately felt that this was the road I would have to follow. I eventually found you and your program, and I remember how you told us in the introductory course that 85% of the factors responsible for autoimmune conditions are purely environmental, and genetics makes up only 15%. This convinced me that I was going to be able to follow your program, treat my illness and turn my life around. I tried it, and I did it! How did your life change? Anita: At the start, I thought I would have to integrate other principles to achieve results, but I soon found out that the protocol is complete as it is, and I could trust your guidance and the process itself. I did everything that you taught me, just as you had been taught. The program targets multiple areas of our lives, all of which I have changed. I pay attention to my diet (cutting out processed or fast foods), monitor the quality and quantity of my sleep, exercise daily, manage stress, and choose the specific supplements that I need. As a child, I used to be a competitive gymnast. I could perform dizzying routines and somersaults. After my diagnosis, my prospects were bleak –eventually I might not be able to perform the most basic bodily functions. This couldn’t happen. Persistence, discipline, struggle: everything I had learned as an athlete helped me to keep up with the program. What is your message to other people? Anita: Everything I have learned during the program will have tremendous, lasting value. Our basic biological functions are not about to change; our bodies will always need good quality food and sleep, and they will always be prone to stress. This protocol helps you discover how to optimize the healthy functioning of your body.
Start your own success story! If you are ready to start your healing journey or need to add support work with a health professional who has gone through my certification program. I have an army of health professionals across the globe ready to help! They know exactly how to support you using the Wahls Protocol® —click here to search the directory and get started today! Have your own success story to share with the world. Sumit by email to [email protected]

- Wahls Warrior™ Anita: MS Case Study from Hungary

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I have been on a health journey for 6 years and have overcome depression, mood swings, have lost 110 pounds and kept it off, eliminated the pains in all of my joints, eliminated debilitating brain fog and now can run with my grandkids for hours on end without getting exhausted.
I have been on a health journey for 6 years and have overcome depression, mood swings, have lost 110 pounds and kept it off, eliminated the pains in all of my joints, eliminated debilitating brain fog and now can run with my grandkids for hours on end without getting exhausted. I eat mostly all raw foods along with Chinese herbs, alkaline water and gynostemma tea, diatomaceous earth, essential oils, algae including spirulina, chlorella, phytoplankton. I make all of my own dressings, eat salads including a great seaweed salad, and feel better at 61 years old than I ever have. My first career was as an executive chef and my second career was in the cleaning and sealing business, which I used very toxic products. I feel I have purged my body of a high percentage of these toxins, and with my green juices and salads, do a good job of constantly eliminating the toxins.

- Wahls Warrior™ Bill

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[I] was [diagnosed] in mid-March with Sjogren’s Syndrome.
[I] was [diagnosed] in mid-March with Sjogren’s Syndrome. I had profound fatigue (gave up all activities except part-time work which wore me out every day), brain fog and chronic headaches – every day – (to the point where I thought I had dementia), have difficulty seeing due to blurriness from dry eye syndrome (had cautery on my tear ducts to keep the moisture in), profound tinnitus, louder than most other sounds in the room. No money for hearing aides…yet. [I] started on the Wahls Paleo Plus in ernest on April 1st. I am no longer profoundly fatigued, my brain does not hurt, the fog is clearing, I actually have energy and have started to incorporate activities back into my life. I am so grateful and relieved as to the changes in my life, just by changing my food. I no longer eat dairy, wheat or any products containing wheat, no longer eat sugar, flour, grains of any kind. I no longer eat nightshades nor do I eat root vegetables, just for now. I may add them back in but not yet. I had cholesterol levels drawn the beginning of June and all of them are lower except the good cholesterol which was higher. I have another appt. to recheck the middle of August. I still have to add supplements. I am using some, but I need to add more. I eat three meals a day. Smoothie for breakfast. Protein and vegetables for lunch and dinner and berries with dinner. My body is changing but I didn’t have any weight to lose. I am “youthening.” This is the best meal plan ever! I am satiated, never hungry, and feel energized. Thank you for your story Dr. Wahls and thank you for your vision and leadership.

- Wahls Warrior™ Carol Anne

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I’ve been hesitant to post to this thread because I have at least one confounding variable at play right now
I’ve been hesitant to post to this thread because I have at least one confounding variable at play right now (i.e., I also have biotin illness and the necessary mold remediation for that started in my house this week; so, despite precautions, many of my autoimmune symptoms are much worse at the moment because of the released mold). But I am grateful for this program and the opportunities it presents, which have included nourishment not only for the body but for mind and heart, thanks to everyone involved. And even where the body is concerned, I literally can feel my starving cells being nourished in a way they never have, even though I’ve been on many health diets over the years that, thankfully, have tuned me into local and organic foods and helped in many ways. So, I hope to have more progress to report in time but this much now, as a mark of my gratitude and wish to play my part, in case it has a place.

- Wahls Warrior™ Carol

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I can do this! After all these years of starving my self, my body and my spirit, Dr. Wahls is showing me a new way of nourishing myself!
I can do this! After all these years of starving my self, my body and my spirit, Dr. Wahls is showing me a new way of nourishing myself! The recipes, detailed shopping lists and “how to” combined with the wonderful support of the members of this group and Leanne Ely have given me the direction I need to reclaim my life. Dr.Wahl’s book is terrific on its own, but this Quick Start has illuminated the way. Eat the right foods, nourish myself and I have more energy, fewer inches and a dramatic shift in attitude. I am a caregiver and realize that I must first give care to myself. I feel clean and whole right now. Thank you Dr. Wahl and Leanne Ely.

- Wahls Warrior™ Carolyn

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I feel energized every time I eat this food. Before I would always feel drugged after I sat down to a meal, like I needed to take a nap, not anymore.
I feel energized every time I eat this food. Before I would always feel drugged after I sat down to a meal, like I needed to take a nap, not anymore. I love feeling good! It is so worth it to make your own bone broth to avoid the preservatives,,,,,,not only for the taste in the recipes you make, but for the way it makes you feel when you can easily digest your dinner and convert it to instant energy.

- Wahls Warrior™ Gail

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I followed [The Wahls Protocol®] and have made huge improvements in my MS.
I followed [The Wahls Protocol®] and have made huge improvements in my MS. I have only one symptom left at the moment. My Doctor was very skeptical and concerned when I started this path, but I had my yearly physical today and she was amazed and said she would not believe it if she had not watched the whole thing with her own eyes. I was so inspired with the complete turn around in my health (I am healthier than I have ever been in my life) that I went back to school and became a nutritional therapist so that I can continue to learn more and help others in the process. As a result my doctor is even recommending dietary changes as a treatment option for her other patients now and referring them to me and to Dr. Wahls book. This is a huge moment for me. I never would have guess a year ago that I would be where I am right now and I own it to this book, hard work, and faith that it would work.

- Wahls Warrior™ Jessica

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A gifted naturopath pulled me back from the brink of death with a ketogenic diet, herbal detox and nutritional support a few years ago.
A gifted naturopath pulled me back from the brink of death with a ketogenic diet, herbal detox and nutritional support a few years ago. But that diet was not nutritionally sound for long term lifestyle, so transitioning was difficult. I am excited and so grateful for The Wahls Protocol as a long term, healthy lifestyle – teaching me what to do for optimal health, as well as why it works and how to implement it in daily life… Nutritionally sound, medically proven, holistic living. Loving it!

- Wahls Warrior™ Jo Lyn

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On March 18, 2014 I received the book in the easily recognizable Amazon box.
On March 18, 2014 I received the book in the easily recognizable Amazon box. I was so excited because Dr. Wahls’ framework provided confirmation of what I had been considering already. It was just what I needed. Dr. Wahls’ words washed away the hopelessness. Her research and information gave me a way to become an active participant in my healing rather than just encouraging me to endure my “inevitable decline”. Since I was already eating strict gluten-free and as much Paleo as I could, it made sense to move into the Wahls Paleo Plus diet. In just two months my walking has improved, the brain fog has diminished, my energy has greatly increased, numbness in my right hand has lessened, and I am feeling much better; incredibly better. I also swim 2 miles per week and do vertical exercises in the pool now because I am able to connect with my muscles since focusing on my nutrition. Like Dr. Wahls, electrical stimulation has proven very helpful for my leg muscles and I make sure that I get enough rest. There have been days when I ate something that unfortunately triggered an immediate and sometimes dramatic physical reaction. However, because I keep a detailed Wahls Diary, I have been able to figure out what I reacted to. I also have been learning that when I do not eat enough fat or enough of some of the essential nutrients that Dr. Wahls talks about, I also do not feel well. I am learning how to create a balance as I understand more and more what works for my body. I am so thankful for the HOPE that I have because of the framework that Dr. Wahls has shared with me. The fact that in the midst of her illness she was willing to continue searching, she was willing to push through and pursue hope is something that I brings tears to my eyes because of the gratitude I feel. I look forward to encouraging and supporting other people with a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis or other autoimmune issues as they embark on this journey with the Wahls Protocol. Yes, I look forward to sharing hope with others like me.

- Wahls Warrior™ Julia

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After just 3 weeks into the 30-Day QuickStart I have less fatigue, increased focus, a more positive mood and solid hope. I’m enjoying food again, not hungry between meals, and losing weight.
After just 3 weeks into the 30-Day QuickStart I have less fatigue, increased focus, a more positive mood and solid hope. I’m enjoying food again, not hungry between meals, and losing weight. The Wahls Protocol book has given me information and inspiration. The 30-Day QuickStart has given me the tools and professional (as well as peer) reinforcement to make it work for me! I’m making the lifestyle change!

- Wahls Warrior™ Julie

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I came into this group newly diagnosed with MS, scared but intrigued after downloading the book.
I came into this group newly diagnosed with MS, scared but intrigued after downloading the book. I have been able to share my fears and hopes and learn a new skill – I can cook meals myself and my 4 children love. My taste buds have come alive and so have I. I look forward to life now, I no longer dread waking up on a morning to being ill, I wake up to the tastes and smells of life. I can’t thank Dr Terry L. Wahls and Leanne Ely enough for allowing me to believe in living again

- Wahls Warrior™ Karen

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This journey has been amazing! I found Dr. Wahls’ TED Talk a couple months ago.
This journey has been amazing! I found Dr. Wahls’ TED Talk a couple months ago. Her book made everything finally make sense. I have never been diagnosed with MS but have been suffering for many years from tremors, fluttering eyelids, and diabetes. I abused my body for many decades, gaining and losing and gaining hundreds of pounds. Food addition, bulimia, all of that. Did raw food on and off, juice feasting (made me feel worse and killed my thyroid), Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting (felt great but in hindsight my adrenals were too trashed to take his protocol)…blah blah blah…following Dr. Wahls, this is the FIRST time I have felt like I could do this for the rest of my life! With the comprehensive information in The Wahls Protocol and the gorgeous recipes in the book and the 30-day Quickstart, I finally feel vast improvement in my symptoms, particularly with neck pain (from horseback riding falls and a car accident) and a frozen shoulder, and in general well-being and increased energy. I am eternally grateful for the tools given by Dr. Terry L. Wahls and Leanne Ely and for the wonderful support of all the people in the FB group – thank you!

- Wahls Warrior™ Kristi

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It’s a whole new world for me eating healthy, cooking great meals.
It’s a whole new world for me eating healthy, cooking great meals. Feeling empowered! Love my new lifestyle! Thank you Dr. Terry L. Wahls and Leanne Ely never thought I could do this ~ you made it possible for me to succeed!

- Wahls Warrior™ Lisa

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I am very thankful I found Dr. Terry L. Wahls and Leanne Ely and the group.
I am very thankful I found Dr. Terry L. Wahls and Leanne Ely and the group. I had already started following The Wahls Protocol with the book. Being able to have further clarity and reinforcement has helped so much to push me further. Improving health and 10 pounds lighter.

- Wahls Warrior™ Lynda

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Even though I’ve never been diagnosed with anything, I have figured out over the last twenty years that I have dairy and gluten problems.
Even though I’ve never been diagnosed with anything, I have figured out over the last twenty years that I have dairy and gluten problems. But just eliminating them hasn’t been enough to get my health back to where I was or where I want it to be. I need something more. And the Wahls Protocol seems to be the answer. I can’t do it all yet but I can start small where I am and continue to add as I can. The encouragement, support and sharing here brings tears to my eyes with gratitude and encourages me to keep going little by little. An absolutely fantastic group of people. I’m in awe of your spirit and courage!!

- Wahls Warrior™ Michelle

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After reading the book and going at it on our own for a month, we were running out of gas.
After reading the book and going at it on our own for a month, we were running out of gas. This 30 Day Quick Start program came just in time. With all the great recipes, the FB page with it’s wonderful tips and support systems, and input from Dr Terry L. Wahls and Leanne Ely has helped us stay the course and gotten us over the hump. We now know that we can do this as a permanent lifestyle change to eat our way back to good health.

- Wahls Warrior™ Mike

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The combination of reading The Wahls Protocol®, getting delicious meal recipes that meet the dietary requirements and please the whole family, plus being able to interact with Dr Terry L. Wahls, Leanne Ely and a wonderful worldwide support group has been better than I could have imagined.
The combination of reading The Wahls Protocol®, getting delicious meal recipes that meet the dietary requirements and please the whole family, plus being able to interact with Dr Terry L. Wahls, Leanne Ely and a wonderful worldwide support group has been better than I could have imagined. The hope that The Wahls Protocol® engenders for taking back control over our illnesses is amplified by people in the group taking positive steps in changing their dietary habits, mental attitude and lifestyle choices, then reporting back on their successes. It’s been the best thing I could do for my own and my family’s health. Highly recommended!

- Wahls Warrior™ Mike

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I am totally grateful for Terry L. Wahls and Leanne Ely for this group.
I am totally grateful for Terry L. Wahls and Leanne Ely for this group. I have not been even close to keeping pace with all of the great recipes but I have stuck to the protocol by fixing the recipes I have tried on a repeat basis. I am doing my best to cont to make new recipes. As I am doing this protocol, my pain is getting less and less. I know that I dont have as severe pain as some but I would find that after just 10 or 15 minutes of sitting, as I stood, I would have a difficult time standing straight and I would really be limping pretty badly. I always did my best to hide it. I also have been to the point where I am in some level of pain almost all the time. I am not completely free of pain but it is moving the right way on a steady basis. I have not been a happy person for a really long time. Now I find that my mind is clearing, my emotions are calming and I am regaining an aspect of my personality in terms of being fun loving that I had almost forgotten about. All of this is slowly improving. As I drove home this evening, I was thinking that maybe it is time that I had someone else do some of the mowing, weed eating and etc. Maybe then I would have more time to cook and have free time for me. I feel that as I regain me, I am also showing my true giving nature and not the pain filled suck in and withdraw self. I am so sorry that anyone has to suffer with MS and I do not know how Terry Wahls has been able to take her pain and suffering into the level that she has done. As I work now, I am thinking that my purpose may be to follow this protocol and start to be an example as others see a healthier and happier me. Maybe for now, that is enough. I am also so grateful for all of you in this group. You absolutely are my inspiration.

- Wahls Warrior™ Patty B:

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I have been having soft tissue pain in my thighs for years. With 3 weeks on the Wahls Protocol®, that pain is much reduced.
I have been having soft tissue pain in my thighs for years. With 3 weeks on the Wahls Protocol®, that pain is much reduced. I sometimes have no pain but even when I do have some, it is not nearly as bad. My left leg has been “stiff” for I don’t know how long. It is straight and stiff as I walk. It is now moving more naturally and without the stiffness. It has been interesting to see my pain change. As my soft tissue lessened, my joint pain has increased. At this point, it is all receding. I have also had a problem with my mental outlook. Generally fatigued, low energy and easily made angry or upset. All of that is getting better. I am starting to see my joyful, playful side re emerging. I had almost forgot that it was there. My smile is demonstrated in a bigger and more frequent manner. I am not so easily upset. My energy is improving and my life is simply better with the 30 day quick start, the support of Dr. Terry L. Wahls and Leanne Ely has made it easier to be compliant.

- Wahls Warrior™ Patty

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I joined 30 day Quick Start and began my journey 3 weeks ago.
I joined 30 day Quick Start and began my journey 3 weeks ago. WOW….I am astounded at the increase in my energy level (haven’t felt this energized in 10 years) and weight loss too…8lbs thus far (a fabulous secondary benefit). The support of my Facebook family and Leanne Ely’s delicious recipes make adhering to the program a joy….what an amazing, compassionate group. Dr. Terry L. Wahls’s holistic approach to us the most important to me….she lives by example and makes me know without a doubt that I am achieving optimal physical, emotional and spiritual health.

- Wahls Warrior™ Sandee

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I’ve been ill the past 7 years with severe fatigue and limited mobility issues, and I’ve been going to PT and OT for the past 7 years.
I’ve been ill the past 7 years with severe fatigue and limited mobility issues, and I’ve been going to PT and OT for the past 7 years. There’s been a radical shift since starting the Wahls Diet. First, my energy level started returning, then I noticed I could hike, and hike uphill… an impossibility before. No one knew exactly why I had difficulty walking and moving my arms, legs and torso. Well, last night, after being on the Wahls Protocol, I started to dance… I mean really dance by really moving my body. This hasn’t happened in 7 years. I’m very happy that this is such a beautiful, natural way to get well, and I’m curious to see how I progress staying on the diet. I’ve been on the Paleo Plus since the beginning since that’s what was most like my eating habits. Thanks Dr. Wahls and all of your team.

- Wahls Warrior™ Sharon

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I have tried many different avenues of healing in my 30+ years with Fibromyalgia.
I have tried many different avenues of healing in my 30+ years with Fibromyalgia. None has made more sense to me than Dr. Wahls’ Protocol. I have finally found a sensible plan that has made more changes in how I feel after just three weeks than anything else. It is my plan to get my life back!

- Wahls Warrior™ Sheryl

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I am featuring a guest post from Wahls Health Practitioner, Alene Brennan:
I am featuring a guest post from Wahls Health Practitioner, Alene Brennan: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anaïs Nin This is one of my favorite quotes. It resonates so well with me because sometimes I wait a painfully long time before I’m willing to make a change – even when I know that change will benefit me. Then when I look back, I realize that delaying the change was more painful than the change itself. And more importantly, the reward on the other side of change was 100% worth it. As a Wahls certified Health Practitioner, I see this a lot in my nutrition coaching practice as well. Clients like the idea of following the Protocol, but the act of getting started feels overwhelming. It is a big change. You’re changing what you’re eating – which means you’re changing how you shop, what you stock in your kitchen, how you cook, etc. But with a worldwide community of fellow Wahls Warriors finding freedom from their symptoms through the Protocol, I know it’s worth it. I know my clients will be so grateful they made the change as they experience a new level of health that they never imagined possible. To help eliminate this overwhelm and get them to the other side, I suggested my clients take a “Wahls Warrior Staycation.” Wahls Warrior Staycation It’s a weekend that you dedicate to becoming a Wahls Warrior. I encourage them to clear their calendar as if they were going away to a retreat. You’re going all in on this weekend to become a Wahls Warrior. I created an itinerary for them that walks them through exactly what to do every step of the way. Friday: Mindset Reset We kick off the weekend with getting in the right mindset to become a Wahls Warrior™. Our minds are an incredibly powerful tool – especially in our healing journey. So, we practice developing the resiliency that will support us in rising above our circumstances and living a purposeful, meaning-filled life. Saturday: Kitchen Conversion Our first full day of our staycation is giving our kitchen a makeover. We ditch the foods that no longer serve us and learn the foods that we need to stock up on to create our own healing kitchen. Sunday: Meal Prep Mastery Our final day of our staycation we pull it all together by boosting our confidence in the kitchen with understanding the power of meal prep. And of course, there’s a time for rest and celebration at the end as well. In honor of MS Awareness Month, I’m happy to share this Wahls Warrior in a Weekend guide with the entire Wahls Community. We are stronger together! ### About Alene: Nutrition Coach Alene Alene holds four certifications: Nutrition Coach, Natural Food Chef, Yoga Instructor and Personal Trainer and two specialty certifications in the Wahls Protocol and the Autoimmune Protocol. In addition to these certifications, she has great insight in the food and healthcare industry having lead a 12-year corporate career working for Fortune 500 Companies such as Campbell Soup and Aramark and Virtua. She has been featured in USA Today, Philadelphia Inquirer, Mind Body Green and on Fox News. To learn more and receive free resources, visit her website at and follow her on Instagram @abrenn.

- Wahls Warrior™ Staycation

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Wahls Warrior™: I used to go to the dentist every 6 months.
Wahls Warrior™: I used to go to the dentist every 6 months. They would always lecture me about gum disease and flossing better and more often. But the last several years, I have been working contract jobs, and they don’t have dental insurance so I didn’t go. Two weeks ago I went to the dentist for the first time in 5 years, and they thought my checkup would be really bad, but it was perfect! I had no gum problems and no cavities. They were amazed! The only thing I have done differently than I did all those years before is take foru products for the last 3 years. It is AMAZING how our bodies can heal. I have heard from several places that a lot of disease start with gunk in our gums. If foru keeps my gums perfectly clean, and it heals us from our core out, it must be doing wonderful things to my insides.

- Wahls Warrior™ Testimonial