Healing of Heather

She was placed on a permanent disability pension. Confined to a wheelchair or dependent on a cane for mobility, she found her former athletic life revolved around hospital treatments and painful [...]

Wahls Warrior Sharon

I’ve been ill the past 7 years with severe fatigue and limited mobility issues, and I’ve been going to PT and OT for the past 7 years. There’s been a radical shift since [...]

Wahls Warrior Bill

I have been on a health journey for 6 years and have overcome depression, mood swings, have lost 110 pounds and kept it off, eliminated the pains in all of my joints, eliminated [...]

Announcing the first ever In Person Wahls Protocol Seminar – Sept. 20th and 21st

 Sign Up Here I am releasing the first ever Wahls Protocol In Person 2 Day Seminar. Wahls Protocol – In Person Seminar Save the Date On September 20 and 21st at the Prairiewood Spirituality [...]

Wahls Warrior Julia

On March 18, 2014 I received the book in the easily recognizable Amazon box.  I was so excited because Dr. Wahls’ framework provided confirmation of what I had been considering already.  It was [...]

Wahls Warrior Carol Anne

[I] was [diagnosed] in mid-March with Sjogren’s Syndrome. I had profound fatigue (gave up all activities except part-time work which wore me out every day), brain fog and chronic headaches [...]

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